Mass Inactivate Accounts
When utilizing Mass Load to inactivate accounts, you will have to load different spreadsheets for each type of account (Options: cash, expenditure and revenue) as they can NOT be combined on one.
Create the spreadsheet to load into Mass Load
Go to Core>Accounts, select the tab (Cash, Expenditure, or Revenue) for the accounts you’d like to mass inactivate.
Make sure all account dimensions are on your grid along with the active column.
c. Filter for the accounts you’d like to make inactive
Click on the report button and choose the output format Excel-fieldnames. Click Generate Report. This will create a spreadsheet with the appropriate headers for the Mass Load program to work.
Remove all columns except the account dimensions and active status.
Verify the accounts that you want inactivated are listed. Add or Remove any if needed.
Change the active column to FALSE and save the Excel as a CSV file on your computer.
Once saved, go to Utilities>Mass Load, upload your spreadsheet and choose the importable entity (cash, expenditure, revenue). Click Load.
You have successfully inactivated your accounts. You can go back to Core>Accounts to verify these accounts are now inactive. If you have any issues please contact a member of the fiscal team.