Requesting New ESS User Accounts

Requesting New ESS User Accounts

To request a new ESS user account:

  1. Submit a ticket via our website, or send an email to mail_staff_fis@nwoca.org.

  2. We will need the following information.

    1. Employee ID

    2. First name

    3. Last name

    4. Email Address

  3. For multiple employees at once, please fill out this spreadsheet and attach it to the ticket or email.

  4. Once submitted, the fiscal services department will work with the IT department and get your user(s) set up. Once it is complete, the user(s) will get a secure email with their districtland username and password.

  5. When the user(s) receive their username and password, they will be given instructions to reset their password BEFORE logging into ESS at https://pass.nwoca.org.

  6. Once their password is reset successfully, the user(s) can log in to ESS. Here is the link to each districts ESS url.


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