Auto-Reconcile Disbursements
Auto-Reconcile Disbursements
This document will walk you through how to upload a file from your bank into USAS to Auto-Reconcile disbursements that have cleared the bank.
Prior to using the Auto-Reconcile option, the 'Auto Rec Bank Format' must be set under Utilities/Automatic Reconciliation. Please contact NWOCA Fiscal Support and they will set up the required format for your bank.
Once the format is configured, follow the below steps to Auto-Reconcile Disbursements.
- Download the file from your bank
- Go to Transaction/Disbursements
- Click on Auto-Reconcile on the top left hand side of the grid.
- A pop up box will display:
- Reconciliation Date : enter reconciliation date
- Auto Rec Format: select format to match upload file
- Bank Account: select the bank account this disbursements were written against
- Click on Choose file: bank file on your computer
Click on Upload
When the program is complete an Auto-Reconciliation Summary box will display.
If desired you can download the summary as a PDF.