Repay an Advance

Repay an Advance

This document walks you through how to repay an Advance. 

Only outstanding advances can be repaid.  Outstanding advances will show as "true" in the Repayable column on the grid. Repaying an advance will process an expenditure transaction from the advance out (return) account and a receipt transaction to the advance in (return) account.

To repay an advance:

  1. Go to Transaction->Transfers/Advances

  2. Click on the view icon  for the advance you want to repay.

  3. Click the  in the Repayments section to create a new repay transaction for that advance. Any previous repayments against the advance will also show in this section.

  4. The amount will default to the remaining amount on the advance. The date will default to the current date. Update the amount and date if needed and enter a description of the repayment.

  5. Click on  to post the transaction, click on to not post the transaction and return to the grid

  6. To remove a repayment, click  on the line in the Repayments grid you wish to remove.