Editing a PO

Editing a PO

If you’d like to edit your PO, here are some initial questions to ask;

Has anything been charged against the PO?

Am I in an open posting period?

If you nothing has been charged against the PO and you are in the open posting period you may edit your Purchase Order.

How to edit your Purchase Order

  1. Go to Transactions/Purchase Orders

  2. Filter on the PO you are looking to edit

  3. Select Edit

  4. A pop up box will appear asking if you want to amend or edit.

  5. If the purchase order has not been sent to the vendor, choose the "edit" option.

  6. Make your changes.

  7. Save

When using the Amend option on a Purchase order, you are not permitted to change the Vendor.  You will also not be permitted to modify an existing item. Instead use the 'copy item'  to copy the item you want to change. This will create a new item and you can change the item's quantity, description price or account code at that time.  You will then need to cancel the original item by clicking on the .  The cancelled item will still be displayed on the PO but with a line crossing it out.