USPS Payroll Processing Checklist
This procedure outlines the steps to be taken to process a payroll in USPSR.
Payroll/Payments Future
If you enter exceptions using Future:
Under the Report Summary, the Total Current and Total Future Gross by pay groups, can be used for balancing.
A grid of Pending Transactions will appear
Click on the
beside the transaction you want to post. There are 3 options: POST, REJECT, or VALIDATE
Clicking on Validate will validate the transaction and display any warnings or errors on the accounts.
Clicking on Post will display a popup containing the Pending Transaction Post Options.
Enter the transaction date
Bank account
Checkbox electronic if want an electronic disbursement
Select vendor if applicable
Clicking on Reject will display a popup containing a reason box. Once posted it will be sent back to USPS and removed from the pending transaction grid.
If the pending transaction is posted, the transaction will be in the appropriate grid in USAS.
Payroll transaction - the disbursement is created in Transactions/Disbursements. If a check number should be assigned you must go to the disbursement grid, select the check and click on 'generate print file'. If a check number does not need assigned then there is no further processing needed (other than to reconcile the check when appropriate)
Employer share of Retirement - purchase order is created in Transactions/Purchase Orders
Employer Distributions - purchase order is created in Transactions/Purchase Orders
Processing a Refund of a Payroll Item