USPS Payroll Processing Checklist

USPS Payroll Processing Checklist

This procedure outlines the steps to be taken to process a payroll in USPSR.


Account Synchronization is run nightly via a scheduled job. If accounts were updated/added in USAS during the day then the Account Synchronization must be run manually to put USAS and USPS back in sync.

  • Go to USAS Integration/Account Synchronization

  • Click on 



1. Updates - Make any necessary changes/additions that are needed to Employee, Position, Payroll Item, Pay Distribution, Payroll Account, etc go to Core or the Employee Dashboard before beginning the payroll process.
2. Posting Period

Payroll/Payments Future

If you enter exceptions using Future:

3. Enter all time sheet data in Payroll/Payroll Payments Future (UPDCAL_FUTURE)
4. Reports/SSDT Future Pay Amount Report (FUTPAY report)
5. Enter and/or Import Attendance - 3 different options

6. Go to Reports/Report Manager and process SSDT Attendance Journal Entry
7. Go to Payroll/Payroll Processing and click Initialize New Payroll
8. (Optional) If you use:

9. If you have additional items go to Payroll/Payroll Payments-Current.
10. Go to Payroll/Payroll Processing. Click the Detail button. Click on the  Error Report-View report for errors
11. Pay Report (PAYRPT) Click on Pay report


Under the Report Summary, the Total Current and Total Future Gross by pay groups, can be used for balancing.


12. Pay Amount Summary Report formerly (PAYSUM)
13. Click on the Pay Item Detail Report (DEDDET) and review
14. Click on Budget Distribution and Projection Report (BUDDIS-Projection) and review
15.Click on Payroll Account Distribution Detail Projection Report (BUDDET-projection) and review
16. Post Payroll (CHKUPD)
17. Click Budget Distribution Report (BUDDIS actual)
18. Click Payroll Account Distribution Report (BUDDET)
19. Click Processing Payments (CHKPRT) Direct Deposit Notices
20. Click Processing Payments (CHKPRT) Checks
21. Create the direct deposit ACH tape file for your bank
22. Create the HSA ACH tape file for bank
23. Click on Email Notices to create direct deposit email notices
24. Processing SERS New Hire Report
25. Processing a SERS Per Pay Report (RETIRE/SERSRPT)
26.Creating a SERS Per Pay Submission file
27. Processing STRS New Hire Report 
Go to Reports/STRS New hire Report
28. Processing a STRS Report (RETIRE/STRSRPT)
Go to Reports/STRS Report
29. To create a submission file click Generate Submission File and save it to a folder of your choosing
30. Processing an ODJFS New Hire Report and Creating an ODJFS New Hire tape file
31. Creating an AFFORD report
32. Processing Employer Distributions Report (BRDDIS)
33. Processing Employer Distributions Submission File (BRDDIS)
34. Processing USAS Employer Share of Retirement Submission (BRDRET) (If applicable)
35. Post Payroll to USAS (AUTOPOST)


36. Go to  USAS Integration tab/Payroll Submission


37. Select Transactions/Pending Transaction from the Menu

A grid of Pending Transactions will appear

  • Click on the 

     beside the transaction you want to post. There are 3 options: POST, REJECT, or VALIDATE

    • Clicking on Validate will validate the transaction and display any warnings or errors on the accounts.

    • Clicking on Post will display a popup containing the Pending Transaction Post Options.

      • Enter the transaction date

      • Bank account

      • Checkbox electronic if want an electronic disbursement

      • Select vendor if applicable

    • Clicking on Reject will display a popup containing a reason box. Once posted it will be sent back to USPS and removed from the pending transaction grid.

If the pending transaction is posted, the transaction will be in the appropriate grid in USAS.

  • Payroll transaction - the disbursement is created in Transactions/Disbursements. If a check number should be assigned you must go to the disbursement grid, select the check and click on 'generate print file'. If a check number does not need assigned then there is no further processing needed (other than to reconcile the check when appropriate)

  • Employer share of Retirement - purchase order is created in Transactions/Purchase Orders

  • Employer Distributions - purchase order is created in Transactions/Purchase Orders


38. Processing Outstanding Payables (Paying Deductions) (PAYDED)
39. To PRINT Outstanding Payables Checks

Processing a Refund of a Payroll Item