Using the Tax Estimator

Using the Tax Estimator

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where an employee is changing their W4 and asking you how this will affect their payroll check? The tool called Tax Estimator can be helpful in seeing these changes - without having to process a payroll.

1. Go to Utilities/Tax Estimator.

2. Find the employee by entering their SSN, ID, or name in the Employee field and click Find Employee.

3. Move all compensations involved to the Selected (right) side.

4. Click Fill Data.  This will populate the Tax Estimator with the current Federal settings.

5. Then select Calculate. The current Federal, Ohio, and School District withholding amounts will be displayed.

6. Next check the Use 2020 W-4 box.

7. Enter the information on the employee’s new W-4. Click Calculate.

8.  The tax amounts withheld prior are listed in the Previous Estimation column and the new calculations are listed in the Current Estimation column.