USAS Fiscal Year End Checklist

This procedure outlines the steps to be taken to close USAS for the fiscal year in the Redesign.

Items to consider prior to FYE - district policies & procedures will vary


ODE Fiscal Year 2024 Changes

  • USAS v2024.0.0 Release Notes - Removal of the Federal Assistance Detail and Summary from Period H EMIS reporting. The EMIS Extract no longer contains federal assistance summary and detail data.  The menu options for Federal Assistance Detail and Summary are still available but are now optional.

Pre-Closing Procedures

The following pre-closing procedures can be completed any time prior to closing the fiscal year.

1. Go to Core/Organization
Enter/Verify Central office square footage
2. Go to Periodic/Building Profiles
Enter/Update Building IRN, Description, square footage, transportation and lunchroom percentages for each building in your district. 
3. Generate  SSDT District Building Information report under the Report Manager grid or from the home screen under All Reports.
4. Generate  SSDT Account Validation report under the Report Manager or from the home screen under All Reports to ensure no invalid accounts exist. 

If invalid accounts do exist, they should be changed via Utilities/Account Change

5. Go to Core/OPUs
Review OPUs to make sure IRN numbers and Entity types are correct. 
6. If you plan to enter your next year proposed budgets and revenue estimates, this may be completed before closing the fiscal year (or at any time) via Budgeting/Scenarios

Month-End Closing

Fiscal Year-End Closing

Under the Periodic menu:

  • Click on image-20240307-133256.png

  • Enter in the required information for the detail record

    • Select the fiscal year to be reported on under Federal Assistance Summary field. 

    • Line number will auto increment once the summary fiscal year is selected

    • Enter the appropriate CFDA number 

  • Enter the record description

  • Enter the cash account associated with this record

  • Enter the federal contributions received and expended during the fiscal year.

  • Click on Save (click on cancel to not post the changes and return to the grid)

  • View existing federal assistance detail record using the image-20240307-133649.png   from the grid

  • Click on image-20240307-133657.png

    • Select the fiscal year to be reported on under Federal Assistance Summary field. 

    • Update any necessary information

    • Enter the cash account associated with this record 

  • Click on Save (click on cancel to not post the changes and return to the grid)

  • Click on image-20240520-163008.png to create July if it does not already exist. Do NOT Mark the 'current box'.

  • Verify June is current

  • Click on   to 'Close' June.

  • Go to the Utilities/File Archive to see your Month End & Fiscal Year End reports processing. 

    • Do not make the next month "Current" (the next month can be "open" for continued processing) until your Month end & Fiscal Year End report bundles have finished running.

  • In Core/Posting Periods, click on the Open folder beside July to open (if it is not already), click on the checkmark beside July to make it current. 

Post Fiscal Year-End Closing