Financial (Period H) Submission Checklist
An authorized person in the district (EMIS Coordinator, Treasurer, etc.) will need to upload the flat files before running the data collection process and submitting the data to Ohio Department of Education & Workforce.
May 21, 2020 EMIS Release, the removal of capital asset reporting. Capital assets are no longer needed and will no longer be collected during Period H reporting.
January 19, 2024 EMIS Release, the removal of Federal Assistance Detail and Summary reporting. The EMIS Extract no longer contains federal assistance summary and detail data and therefore it will no longer be collected during Period H reporting.
Data Source: Some of the data for financial reporting will be pulled directly from your live USAS data, while other portions will be pulled from what EMIS-R calls flat files. The financial flat file extracted from USAS, USAEMS_YYYY.SEQ , contains the data in a predefined format. The following lists the data types reported for financial reporting, and where the data will come from for EMIS-R:
USAS - account and OPU data being pulled directly from the USAS files will be pulled based on the year defined in System/Configuration/EMIS Soap Service Configuration.
Cash, Expenditure, Revenue Accounts (Core/Accounts)
Operational Units (Core/OPUs)
Flat File (USAS/Extracts/EMIS)
Cash Reconciliation (Periodic/Cash Reconciliation)
Civil Proceedings (Periodic/Civil Proceedings)
District/Building Profile (Periodic/Building Profiles and Core/Organization)
Uploading a Flat File in EMIS-R Data Collector:
The flat file from last year may be retained in the financial data source record. Please delete them before uploading your flat files for FY24.
The financial files you will be uploading for period H include USAEMS_FYYY.SEQ
This completes the uploading of a file into EMIS-R.
Collecting Financial Data in the EMIS-R Data Collector:
If the errors warrant changes to be made in the source system, you will need to start the process over with uploading the corrected file and then re-collecting the data.
When viewing a record type via EXCEL, a column labeled "Record is Valid" indicates whether or not the record will be included in the submission.
Submitting the Financial Data to Ohio Department of Education & Workforce
A 'Preparing Submission' status indicates the data collector is preparing to submit the data to Ohio Department of Education & Workforce.
A 'Transmission Completed' status indicates the submission has been received but has not yet been processed by Ohio Department of Education & Workforce.
Post Submission Status
Be sure to check any and all reports that are returned from Ohio Department of Education & Workforce in regards to Period H submissions. They will be available on a "Level 2 Validation' link on the Financial Manifest. You can also access the 'Reports' tab in the data collector, click on "Level 2 Reports' link, filter for FY20-H-Financial and click on 'show reports' to generate and review the reports from Ohio Department of Education & Workforce. There is a guide under Ohio Department of Education & Workforce’s EMIS Validation and Report Explanations page called “Expenditure Detail Report (EXPD-001)” that explains the below reports in more detail.