USPS Calendar Year-end Closing Checklist
This checklist outlines the steps to be taken to close USPS for the calendar year-end in the Redesign.
Federal filing deadline to Business Services Online is January 31, 2025.
Ohio State Tax filing deadline to Ohio Business Gateway is January 31, 2025.
Indiana State Tax filing deadline is January 31, 2025.
Kentucky State Tax filing deadline is January 31, 2025.
Michigan State Tax filing deadline is January 31, 2025.
Pennsylvania State Tax filing deadline is January 31, 2025.
West Virginia State Tax filing deadline is January 31, 2025.
Regional Income Tax Agency (RITA) filing deadline is February 28, 2025.
Central Collection Agency (CCA) filing deadline is February 28, 2025.
City Tax filing deadlines may vary. Please check with each city.
NWOCA W2 Printing Deadline
Friday, January 24, 2025
W2 Reprints are $5.00 each plus postage.
Preliminary Calendar Year-End Closing
The following pre-closing steps can be completed any time prior to or during the processing of the last payroll of the calendar year.
Go to Reports/W2 SSN Verification/Create Submission File and click Generate Submission File.
Send this file to SSA for Verification.
Once file is received back from SSA and saved somewhere on your computer, go to Reports/W2 SSN Verification/Results Report.
Report Title = W2 SSN Verification Results (can be changed if desired).
Report Format = PDF or CSV.
Sort By = Employee SSN or Employee Name.
Click on 'Choose File' and browse to locate your file.
Click on ‘Generate W2 SSN Verification Results Report.’
Review the report for errors.
Be sure to run Life Insurance Premium Pay types for employee's with life insurance premiums over $50,000 before or during your last payroll of the calendar year. See Reporting Taxable Amount of Life Insurance Premiums for further details.
Go to Payroll/ Payroll Payments - Future or Current
Click Create
Employee = Select the appropriate employee.
Compensation = Select the appropriate compensation.
Description = Enter if desired.
Pay Type = Adoption Assistance.
Units = 1.
Rate = Amount of adoption assistance needing to be reported on the employee's W2.
Click Save.
Go to Core/Employee
Add all Legal Name fields to grid using the More button. Legal Name option is located at bottom of More options.
Use filter a..z in each field, i.e. Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, Suffix to see if any names exist.
Verify names if populated.
Go to Core/Payroll Item Configuration
Filter the grid by entering OSDI in the Type field
Review the 'W2 abbreviation' column to verify the codes are accurate.
The OSDI code should also be listed on the OSDI Code field in the payroll item configuration.
Go to Core/Payroll Item Configuration
Filter the grid by entering City Tax in the Type field
Review the 'W2 abbreviation' column to verify there is a value in the W2 abbreviation field.
Go to Core/Payroll Item Configuration
Filter the grid by entering city in the Type field
View each city not being reported through CCA or RITA
Verify the appropriate code is entered in the Tax Entity Code field
Verify the RITA Code and Description are entered.
Go to Core/Payroll Item Configuration
Filter the grid by entering City in the Type field.
Verify the appropriate RITA assigned code is entered in the RITA field and the appropriate RITA assigned description is entered in the RITA Description field
For the employees having the City tax withheld, verify their Payroll Item Deduction Type field is marked as Employment or Residence.
Go to Core/Payroll Item.
Select City under the Select Payroll item dropdown.
Verify the Deduction Type is set to Employment or Residence.
Verify the CCA assigned code, CCA Description, and Report to CCA checkbox.
Got to Core/Payroll Item Configuration.
Filter the grid by entering City in the Type field.
Verify the CCA assigned code is entered in the CCA field, the CCA assigned description is entered in the CCA Description, and the Report To CCA check box is checked.
Any district that reports to the CCA must also make sure that they review the Appendices that the CCA has published. City codes MUST be in for cities on these lists, regardless if they are a CCA city or not. These cities get reported in the file that is sent to CCA and must be coded.
Go to Appendix A, B, or C to check for the correct assigned code
If CCA city is in Appendix A, they need the following in Payroll Item Configuration for CCA: Valid CCA code, valid CCA city name, and box checked on "Report to CCA".
If any city is not in Appendix A but in Appendix B, Payroll Item Configuration should be: Valid CCA code, valid CCA city name, and box Unchecked on "Report to CCA".
If any city is not in Appendix A, B, or C, Payroll Item Configuration should be: Valid CCA code left blank, valid CCA city name*, and box Unchecked on "Report to CCA".
*The valid CCA city name should be entered based on the name found in the Ohio Municipal Income Tax Rate Table found at (aka The Finder):
REQUIRED For the employees having the CCA or any other city tax withheld, verify their Payroll Item Deduction Type field is marked as Employment or Residence.
Go to Core/Payroll Item.
Select City under the Select Payroll Item dropdown
Verify the Deduction Type is set to Employment or Residence.
REQUIRED Verify employee's addresses to make sure you are following the guidelines set up by the US Postal Service in Publication 28:
Go to Core/Payroll Item Configuration
Filter the grid by entering 'State Tax' in the Type field
View each State Payroll Item
Verify the State ID field is filled in and correct.
Go to Core/Payroll Item Configuration
Filter the grid by entering 'health' in the Type field
View the HSA record
Verify the Annuity Type is set to Other
Go to System/Configuration/W2 configuration.
Verify the 'District will Submit Own W2s Files' is CHECKED
District has option to check box for: "Include only last 4 digits of employee's SSN on W-2 forms and XML".
Verify Company Information is accurate.
Verify or complete all information under Contact Information.
Verify or complete all information in the Submitter Information.
Click the box for "Submitter Name and Address same as Company".
Month End Closing
A complete Month-End Checklist can be found by clicking here.
Quarter End Closing
A complete Quarter-End Checklist can be found by clicking here.
Go to Reports/ODJFS Reporting/ODJFS Report
Choose the 4th Quarter and Generate the Report.
Check all totals carefully for accuracy.
If necessary, adjustment can be made using the Core/Adjustments screen.
When all data is correct, go to Reports/ODJFS Report, click on the Generate Submission File option.
Upload the ODJFS_YY_QQ.TXT file to The Source (Ohio Department of Job and Family Services)
Select ICESA as the file type.
Go to Reports/Quarter Report
Year- Should be defaulted to current year
Quarter-Should be defaulted to current quarter (4th)
Sort By- Choose sorting option from drop down
Click Generate Report
Payee checks and electronic payments for the quarter should equal the total Payroll Items showing on the Quarter Report.
The total gross showing on Quarter Report should equal the total of all Payroll Disbursement Checks created during Payroll Posting to USAS for the quarter.
Once balanced if a hard copy of the report is desired print the Quarter Report.
Go to Reports/ W2Reports/W2 Report and Submission.
Output type should be set to Report.
Check the report for Employee with Errors only Checkbox.
Verify report.
Run Again unchecking the Report Employees with errors only.
Verify and balance report
Balance W2 Report and Submission.
Complete and balance the W2Report Reconciliation Worksheet for the quarter following the directions on the worksheet.
Balance the Payroll Item totals (taxes and annuities) on the W2Report with the totals from the Payables Reports from the quarter.
Balance the gross amounts on the W2Report with Pay Reports for the quarter.
Go to Processing/Outstanding Payables and verify that there are no outstanding Payroll Items. (Screen should be empty)
The total of all Employer Distribution amounts (if tracked on the system) should equal the total of all USAS accounts payable checks to the vendor or deduction company.
For City Withholdings, take the total gross times the percentage to be sure the tax withheld and submitted are correct.
Go to Home or Reports/Report Manager
Select Generate
Format -Excel Data
Query Options - Enter your OAPSE Payroll Item code(s)
Click Generate Report
Review data for accuracy and requirements from OAPSE
Save in your files for reporting of Annual Wages to OAPSE.
W2 Processing Final Checking and Adjustments
Steps 24-32 in the W2 Processing section below are a repeat of Steps 5-13 in the Preliminary Calendar Year End Closing section of the checklist. If Steps 5-13 were not already completed, please assure Steps 24-32 are completed now, otherwise you can skip to Step 33.
Go to Core/Employee
Add all Legal Name fields to grid using the More button. Legal Name option is located at bottom of More options.
Use filter a..z in each field, i.e. Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, Suffix to see if any names exist.
Verify names if populated.
Go to Core/Payroll Item Configuration
Filter the grid by entering OSDI in the Type field
Review the 'W2 abbreviation' column to verify the codes are accurate.
The OSDI code should also be listed on the OSDI Code field in the payroll item configuration.
Go to Core/Payroll Item Configuration
Filter the grid by entering City Tax in the Type field
Review the 'W2 abbreviation' column to verify there is a value in the W2 abbreviation field.
Go to Core/Payroll Item Configuration
Filter the grid by entering city in the Type field
View each city not being reported through CCA or RITA
Verify the appropriate code is entered in the Tax Entity Code field
Verify the RITA Code and Description are entered.
Go to Core/Payroll Item Configuration
Filter the grid by entering City in the Type field.
Verify the appropriate RITA assigned code is entered in the RITA field and the appropriate RITA assigned description is entered in the RITA Description field
For the employees having the City tax withheld, verify their Payroll Item Deduction Type field is marked as Employment or Residence.
Go to Core/Payroll Item.
Select City under the Select Payroll item dropdown.
Verify the Deduction Type is set to Employment or Residence.
Verify the CCA assigned code, CCA Description, and Report to CCA checkbox.
Got to Core/Payroll Item Configuration.
Filter the grid by entering City in the Type field.
Verify the CCA assigned code is entered in the CCA field, the CCA assigned description is entered in the CCA Description, and the Report To CCA check box is checked.
Any district that reports to the CCA must also make sure that they review the Appendices that the CCA has published. City codes MUST be in for cities on these lists, regardless if they are a CCA city or not. These cities get reported in the file that is sent to CCA and must be coded.
Go to Appendix A, B, or C to check for the correct assigned code
If CCA city is in Appendix A, they need the following in Payroll Item Configuration for CCA: Valid CCA code, valid CCA city name, and box checked on "Report to CCA".
If any city is not in Appendix A but in Appendix B, Payroll Item Configuration should be: Valid CCA code, valid CCA city name, and box Unchecked on "Report to CCA".
If any city is not in Appendix A, B, or C, Payroll Item Configuration should be: Valid CCA code left blank, valid CCA city name*, and box Unchecked on "Report to CCA".
*The valid CCA city name should be entered based on the name found in the Ohio Municipal Income Tax Rate Table found at (aka The Finder):
REQUIRED For the employees having the CCA or any other city tax withheld, verify their Payroll Item Deduction Type field is marked as Employment or Residence.
Go to Core/Payroll Item.
Select City under the Select Payroll Item dropdown
Verify the Deduction Type is set to Employment or Residence.
REQUIRED Verify employee's addresses to make sure you are following the guidelines set up by the US Postal Service in Publication 28:
Go to Core/Payroll Item Configuration
Filter the grid by entering 'State Tax' in the Type field
View each State Payroll Item
Verify the State ID field is filled in and correct.
Go to Core/Payroll Item Configuration
Filter the grid by entering 'health' in the Type field
View the HSA record
Verify the Annuity Type is set to Other
Go to System/Configuration/W2 configuration.
Verify the 'District will Submit Own W2s Files' is CHECKED
District has option to check box for: "Include only last 4 digits of employee's SSN on W-2 forms and XML".
Verify Company Information is accurate.
Verify or complete all information under Contact Information.
Verify or complete all information in the Submitter Information.
Click the box for "Submitter Name and Address same as Company".
The amount entered exceeding the maximum ($5,000.00) will be added to the Total Gross and Applicable Gross fields on Federal Tax, Ohio State Tax, and City (if applicable) Payroll Items.
Go to Core/Adjustments, click Create
Employee = Locate the employee by name or id
Payroll Item = 001-Federal Tax
Type = Dependent Care
Transaction Date = Enter a date within the current posting period
Amount = Enter the amount of dependent care
Description = Can be added if desired
Click Save
If the Life Insurance Premium Pay Type was included prior to the last pay of the calendar year (refer to Step 2 of the checklist), then no further steps are necessary.
If the Life Insurance Premium Pay Type was not used prior to the last pay of the calendar year please go to Reporting Taxable Amounts -Life Insurance Premium link for further information.
Go to Core/Adjustments, click Create
Employee = Locate the employee by name or id
Payroll Item = 001-Federal Tax
Type = Fringe Benefits
Transaction Date = Enter a date within the current posting period
Amount = Enter the amount of the fringe benefit
Description = Can be added if desired
Click Save
Reimbursements for moving expenses paid to active military employees, including payments made directly to a third party, should be reported. The moving expense amount is treated as an excludable fringe benefit.
Go to Core/Adjustments, click Create
Employee = Locate the employee by name or id
Payroll Item = 001-Federal Tax
Type = Moving Expenses
Transaction Date = Enter a date within the current posting period
Amount = Enter the amount of the moving expense
Description = Can be added if desired
Click Save
A Core/Adjustment to the Federal Tax Payroll Item is the only requirement. The Vehicle Lease Adjustment will automatically update the Total Gross and Applicable Gross on the Federal Tax and Ohio State Tax Payroll Items.
Go to Core/Adjustments, click Create
Employee = Locate the employee by name or id
Payroll Item = 001-Federal Tax
Type = Vehicle Lease
Transaction Date = Enter a date within the current posting period
Amount = Enter the amount of the company vehicle
Description = Can be added if desired
Click Save
If the Adoption Assistance payment (refer to Step 3, using the Adoption Assistance Pay Type) was processed as part of a payroll prior to calendar year end, no further processing is required.
If the Adoption Assistance Pay Type was not used prior to the last pay of the calendar year, a Core/Adjustments using the Type of Adoption Assistance for the payment must be created. The only Adjustment needed is the Type/Federal Tax Payroll Item, detailed below. The Adoption Assistance Adjustment will automatically update the Total Gross and Applicable Gross on the Federal Tax, City (if applicable), Medicare Payroll Items. No further adjustments for Total Gross and Applicable Gross are necessary.
Go to Core/Adjustments, click Create
Employee = Locate the employee by name or id
Payroll Item = 001-Federal Tax
Type = Adoption Assistance
Transaction Date = Enter a date within the current posting period
Amount = Enter the amount of the adoption assistance
Description = Can be added if desired
Click Save
The software provides the ability to withhold city tax on non-cash earnings. City tax withholding is based on whether the Core/Payroll Item Configuration/Tax Non Cash Earn checkbox is marked or not marked. Keep in mind, city taxes may also need to be paid if the employee is not a resident of the city where the tax is deducted.
If the Non-cash Taxable Benefit payment (Step 4, using the Non-cash Taxable Benefit Pay Type) was processed as part of a payroll prior to calendar year end, no further processing is required.
If the Non-cash Taxable Benefit Pay Type was not used prior to the last pay of the calendar year please go to Non-Cash Taxable Benefits link for further information.
If the Employer Health Coverage Costs needs updated, create a Core/Adjustments for the Federal Tax Payroll Item using the Type of Health Insurance. Keep in mind, the amount entered on the Health Insurance Adjustment does not override the existing amount. The Adjustment amount is added or subtracted to the existing total.
If individuals need updated:
Go to Core/Adjustments, click Create
Employee = Locate the employee by name or id
Payroll Item = 001-Federal Tax
Type = Health Insurance
Transaction Date = Enter a date within the current posting period
Amount = Enter the amount needing to be added to the current amount being reported
Description = Can be added if desired
Click Save
If multiple employees need updated, Utilities/Mass Load can be used.
Create a .CSV file. Click here for the CSV file requirements.
Go to Utilities/Mass Load to upload the CSV file
Browse to file .CSV file
Importable Entities= AdjustmentJournal
Click Load
The only Adjustment needed is the Type/Federal Tax Payroll Item.
Go to Core/Adjustments, click Create
Employee = Locate the employee by name or id
Payroll Item = 001-Federal Tax
Type = Health Reimbursement
Transaction Date = Enter a date within the current posting period
Amount = Enter the amount needing to be reported
Description = Can be added if desired
Click Save
W2 Report and Balancing
Go to Reports/W2 Reports/W2 Report and Submission/W2 Report Options tab.
Output Type = Report
Format = PDF
Report Title = Defaults to W2 Report. This can be changed if desired.
Federal ID Number = Defaults to Federal EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
State ID Number = Defaults to State EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Kind of Employer = Defaults to S, State and Local Government Employer. Can be changed through drop down option.
Sort Options = Choose from the drop down option how the report should be sorted.
Report for Year = XXXX
Include Fringe Benefits in Box 14? = Uncheck the box, not needed for error checking.
Report Employees with errors only? = Check the box
Select Payroll Items to print in box 14 = Leave blank
Click Generate Report
Print the W2 Report and verify the data.
Go to Reports/W2 Reports/W2 Report and Submission/W2 Report Options tab.
Output Type = Report
Format = PDF
Report Title = Defaults to W2 Report. This can be changed if desired.
Federal ID Number = Defaults to Federal EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
State ID Number = Defaults to State EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Kind of Employer = Defaults to S, State and Local Government Employer. Can be changed through drop down option.
Sort Options = Choose from the drop down option how the report should be sorted.
Report for Year = XXXX
Include Fringe Benefits in Box 14? = Check the box so these are included on W2
Report Employee with errors only? = Uncheck the box
Select Payroll Items to print in box 14 = Click Add to select payroll item(s) to print on W2 (maximum of 3 will print)
Click Generate Report
Print the W2 Report and verify the data.
W2 Print Files
Go to Reports/W2 Reports/W2 Mailable Forms
Report Title = Defaults to W2 report
Federal ID Number = Defaults to Federal EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
State ID Number = Defaults to State EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Kind of Employer = Defaults to S, State and Local Government Employer. Can be changed through drop down option.
Sort Options = Choose from the drop down option how the report should be sorted.
Select the sort option that matches how you wish to have your employEE copies of your W2's printed.
Please make note of this sorting option, you will use it again for Step #54
Report for Year = XXXX
Employer Name = Defaults to Name in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer Address first line = Defaults to Street 1 in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer Address second line = Defaults to Street 2 in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer City = Defaults to City in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer State = Defaults to State in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer Zip Code = Defaults to Postal Code in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Show Building/Department Code = If desired, check the checkbox to have the building/department printed on the mailable section of the form (to the right of the employee address).
Include Fringe Benefits in Box 14? = Check the box so these are included on W2s.
Select Payroll Items to print in box 14 = Click Add to select payroll item(s) to print on W2 (maximum of 3 will print)
If you include Fringe Benefits in Box 14, please make note of any payroll items selected in this step, you will use it again for Step #54
Select Individual Employees? = Leave Blank
Select Pay Groups = Leave Blank
Click Generate Mailable Forms
An Informational message will be displayed.
The W2 Printing Jobs will also be displayed in the grid on the right hand side of the screen.
File name: W2 Report
Go to Reports/W2 Reports/W2 Report and Submission/ W2 Report Options tab
Output Type = Forms
Forms Title = Defaults to W2 Form Data. Can be changed if desired.
Federal ID Number = Defaults to Federal EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
State ID Number = Defaults to State EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Kind of Employer = Defaults to S, State and Local Government Employer. Can be changed through drop down option.
Sort Options = Choose from the drop down option how the report should be sorted. Usually Employee Name.
Select the sort option that matches how you wish to have your employER copies of your W2's printed.
Report for Year = XXXX
Employer Name = Defaults to Name in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer Address first line = Defaults to Street 1 in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer Address second line = Defaults to Street 2 in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer City = Defaults to City in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer State = Defaults to State in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer Zip Code = Defaults to Postal Code in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Include Fringe Benefits in Box 14? = Check the box so these are included on W2.
Select Payroll Items to print in box 14 = Click Add to select payroll item(s) to print on W2 (maximum of 3 will print)
Select Individual Employees? = Leave Blank
Select Pay Groups = Leave Blank
Click Generate W2 Forms
An Informational message will be displayed.
Once the job has completed, go to Reports/W2 Reports/W2 Form Output Files and click the download option. This will save the file to your computer.
Submit the W2 Forms.ZIP file to your printer using Actual Size
Go to Reports/W2 Reports/W2 Form Output Files and select the Archive option.
This will remove the file from the W2 Form Output Files grid and place in the Payroll Archive/YYYY - Calendar Year Reports
Go to Reports/W2 Reports/W2 Report and Submission/W2 Report Options tab
Output Type = Forms
Forms Title = Defaults to W2 Form Data. Can be changed if desired.
Federal ID Number = Defaults to Federal EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
State ID Number = Defaults to State EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Kind of Employer = Defaults to S, State and Local Government Employer. Can be changed through drop down option.
Sort Options = Choose from the drop down option how the report should be sorted. Usually Employee Name.
Select the sort option that matches how you wish to have your CITY copies of your W2's printed.
Report for Year = XXXX
Employer Name = Defaults to Name in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer Address first line = Defaults to Street 1 in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer Address second line = Defaults to Street 2 in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer City = Defaults to City in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer State = Defaults to State in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer Zip Code = Defaults to Postal Code in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Include Fringe Benefits in Box 14? = Check the box so these are included on W2.
Select Payroll Items to print in box 14 = Click Add to select payroll item(s) to print on W2 (maximum of 3 will print)
Select By City Tax Entity Code = Enter the first City Tax Entity Code (located on the Core/Payroll Item Configuration/Tax Entity Code field).
Click Generate W2 Forms
An Informational message will be displayed.
Once the job has completed, go to Reports/W2 Reports/W2 Form Output Files and click the download option. This will save the file to your computer.
Submit the W2 Forms.ZIP file to your printer using Actual Size
Go to Reports/W2 Reports/W2 Form Output Files and select the Archive option.
This will remove the file from the W2 Form Output Files grid and place in the Payroll Archive/YYYY - Calendar Year Reports.
Repeat these steps for each city needing to print forms for.
W2 Submission Files
Generate the Federal submission file.
Go to Reports/W2 Reports/W2 Report and Submission/W2 Report options tab
Output Type = Submission
Federal ID Number = Defaults to Federal EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Additional Federal ID Number = If additional Federal ID number is available enter here.
State ID Number = Defaults to State EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Kind of Employer = Defaults to S, State and Local Government Employer. Can be changed through drop down option
Sort Options = Choose from the drop down option of how the report should be sorted.
Report for Year = 20XX
Employer Name = Defaults to Name in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer Address first line = Defaults to Street 1 in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer Address second line = Defaults to Street 2 in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer City = Defaults to City in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer State = Defaults to State in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer Zip Code = Defaults to Postal Code in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Contact Name = Enter name of employee creating the file (required).
Contact Phone Number = Enter phone number of person creating file (required).
Contact Phone Extension = Enter extension of person creating file (optional).
Contact Fax Number = Enter fax number for person creating file (optional).
Contact Email Address = Enter email address of person creating file (required).
Is this file being resubmitted? = No
Type of Software = In-House Program
Preparer Code = L-Self-Prepared
Select Generate SSA W2 Submission File Summary Report. Print and save.
Click Generate SSA W2 Submission File
Save the W2MAST.TXT file to your desk top or somewhere on your computer
On save file, right click on the file and click Send To/ Compressed Zip folder
Verify reports have been copied to the File Archive/Calendar Year End bundle
Go to Utilities/File Archive
Filter Year by entering 2024
Single click 2024 - Calendar Year Reports line. You should see the following reports and files:
W2 Report.PDF
Verify the Federal file is corrected formatted.
Log into the SSA-Business Services Online website
Click on the Report Wages to Social Security option
Click on I Accept
Click on the Accuwage Online tab
Click on Accuwage Online option
Under Submission Type click W-2 and then click Start Testing
Find your W2MAST.TXT file Run the W2MAST.TXT file through Accuwage to check for any errors that may be on the file.
Fix errors on the W2MAST and re-run through ACCUWAGE until errors are gone.
Upload the Federal file.
Log into the SSA-Business Services Online using your Secure User ID and Password
Choose the Report Wages to Social Security option
Choose Upload Formatted Wage File tab
Click on Submit a Formatted Wage File
Follow the menu options Choosing the New W-2s W-3s for Tax Year 20XX
Locate your W2MAST.TXT file that you have appended and zipped and click on the submit option.
Print out the Submission information
Check back periodically to see the status of the submission.
Print confirmation of submission being accepted.
Go to Reports/W2 Reports/W2 Report and Submission/W2 State Options tab.
State = Ohio
Federal ID Number = Defaults to Federal EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Additional Federal ID Number = If additional Federal ID number is available enter here.
State ID Number = Defaults to State EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Kind of Employer = Defaults to S, State and Local Government Employer. Can be changed through drop down option
Report for Year = 20XX
Employer Name = Defaults to Name in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer Address first line = Defaults to Street 1 in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer Address second line = Defaults to Street 2 in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer City = Defaults to City in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer State = Defaults to State in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer Zip Code = Defaults to Postal Code in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Contact Name = Enter name of employee creating the file (required).
Contact Phone Number = Enter phone number of person creating file (required).
Contact Phone Extension = Enter extension of person creating file (optional).
Contact Fax Number = Enter fax number for person creating file (optional).
Contact Email Address = Enter email address of person creating file (required).
Is this file being resubmitted? = No
Type of Software = In-House Program
Preparer Code = L-Self-Prepared
Select Generate Ohio W2 Submission File Summary Report. Print and save.
Click Generate Ohio W2 Submission File
Save the W2MAST_OH.TXT file to your desk top or somewhere on your computer
On save file, right click on the file and click Send To/ Compressed Zip folder
Go to Utilities/File Archive
Filter Year by entering 2024
Single click 2024 - Calendar Year Reports line. You should see the following reports and files:
Log into the SSA-Business Services Online website
Click on the Report Wages to Social Security option
Click on I Accept
Click on the Accuwage Online tab
Click on Accuwage Online option
Under Submission Type click W-2 and then click Start Testing
Find your W2MAST_OH.TXT file. Run the W2MAST_OH.TXT file through Accuwage to check for any errors that may be on the file.
Fix errors on the W2MAST_OH.TXT and re-run through Accuwage until errors are gone.
Go to Reports/W2 Reports/W2 Report and Submission/W2 State Options tab (Repeat process for each state)
State = Select the appropriation state
Federal ID Number = Defaults to Federal EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Additional Federal ID Number = If additional Federal ID number is available enter here.
State ID Number = Defaults to State EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Kind of Employer = Defaults to S, State and Local Government Employer. Can be changed through drop down option
Report for Year = 20XX
Employer Name = Defaults to Name in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer Address first line = Defaults to Street 1 in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer Address second line = Defaults to Street 2 in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer City = Defaults to City in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer State = Defaults to State in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer Zip Code = Defaults to Postal Code in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Is this file being resubmitted? = No
Type of Software = In-House Program
Preparer Code = L-Self-Prepared
Submitter EIN = Verify information is correct
Submitter User ID = Verify information is accurate
Tax Payer ID (10 digits) = Only applies to Indiana
TID Location (3 digits) = Only applies to Indiana
Generate the XX W2 Submission File Summary Report. Print and save.
Click Generate XX W2 Submission File
Save the W2MAST_XX.TXT file to your desk top or somewhere on your computer
Go to Utilities/File Archive
Filter Year by entering 2024
Single click 2024 - Calendar Year Reports line. You should see the following reports and files that are applicable to your district:
Go to Reports/W2 Reports/W2 Report and Submission/W2 City Options tab
Federal ID Number = Defaults to Federal EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Additional Federal ID Number = If additional Federal ID number is available enter here.
State ID Number = Defaults to State EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Kind of Employer = Defaults to S, State and Local Government Employer. Can be changed through drop down option.
Sort Options = Choose from the drop down option how the report should be sorted.
Report for Year = 20XX
Employer Name = Defaults to Name in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer Address first line = Defaults to Street 1 in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer Address second line = Defaults to Street 2 in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer City = Defaults to City in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer State = Defaults to State in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer Zip Code = Defaults to Postal Code in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Tax Entity Code = Code entered on the Payroll Item Configuration record in the Tax Entity code field.
Include Amounts For All Cities? = Uncheck the box
Include City Name For the Processing City? = Check the box
Is this file being resubmitted? = No
Type of Software = In-House Program
Preparer Code = L - Self-Prepared
Click Generate City W2 Submission File Summary Report. Print and save.
Click Generate City W2 Submission File
Save the W2CITY_XXXXX.TXT file to your desktop or some where on your computer.
Verify reports have been copied to the File Archive/Calendar Year End bundle.
Go to Utilities/File Archive
Filter Year by entering 2024
Single click 2024 - Calendar Year Reports line. You should see the following reports and files:
W2CITY_XXXXX.TXT (one for each city file generated)
Upload the file to the appropriate city website.
Go to Reports/W2 Reports/W2 Report and Submission/W2 Report Options tab
Output Type = Submission
Federal ID Number = Defaults to Federal EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Additional Federal ID Number = If additional Federal ID number is available enter here.
State ID Number = Defaults to State EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Kind of Employer = Defaults to S, State and Local Government Employer. Can be changed through drop down option.
Sort Options = Choose from the drop down option how the report should be sorted.
Report for Year = 20XX
Employer Name = Defaults to Name in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer Address first line = Defaults to Street 1 in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer Address second line = Defaults to Street 2 in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer City = Defaults to City in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer State = Defaults to State in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer Zip Code = Defaults to Postal Code in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Contact Name = Enter name of employee creating the file (required).
Contact Phone Number = Enter phone number of person creating file (required).
Contact Phone Extension = Enter extension of person creating file (optional).
Contact Fax Number = Enter fax number for person creating file (optional).
Contact Email Address = Enter email address of person creating file (required).
Is this file being resubmitted? = No
Type of Software = In-House Program
Preparer Code = L-Self-Prepared
Select Generate CCA W2 Submission File Summary Report. Print and save.
Select Generate CCA W2 Submission File City Summary Report. Print and save.
Click Generate CCA W2 Submission File
Save the W2MSTCCA.TXT file to your desktop or somewhere on your computer
Verify reports have been copied to the File Archive/Calendar Year End bundle.
Go to Utilities/File Archive
Filter Year by entering 2024
Single click 2024 - Calendar Year Reports line. You should see the following files:
Upload the file to CCA.
Mail the W-3 Annual Reconciliation Form.
Go to Reports/W2 Reports/W2 Report and Submission/W2 Report Options tab
Output Type = Submission
Federal ID Number = Defaults to Federal EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Additional Federal ID Number = If additional Federal ID number is available enter here.
State ID Number = Defaults to State EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Kind of Employer = Defaults to S, State and Local Government Employer. Can be changed through drop down option.
Sort Options = Choose from the drop down option how the report should be sorted.
Report for Year = 20XX
Employer Name = Defaults to Name in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer Address first line = Defaults to Street 1 in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer Address second line = Defaults to Street 2 in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer City = Defaults to City in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer State = Defaults to State in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer Zip Code = Defaults to Postal Code in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Contact Name = Enter name of employee creating the file (required).
Contact Phone Number = Enter phone number of person creating file (required).
Contact Phone Extension = Enter extension of person creating file (optional).
Contact Fax Number = Enter fax number for person creating file (optional).
Contact Email Address = Enter email address of person creating file (required).
Is this file being resubmitted? = No
Type of Software = In-House Program
Preparer Code = L-Self-Prepared
Select Generate RITA W2 Submission File Summary Report. Print and save.
Select Generate RITA W2 Submission File City Summary Report. Print and save.
Click Generate RITA W2 Submission File
Save the W2MSTRITA.TXT file to your desktop or somewhere on your computer
Verify reports have been copied to the File Archive/Calendar Year End bundle.
Go to Utilities/File Archive
Filter Year by entering 2024
Single click 2024 - Calendar Year Reports line. You should see the following reports and files:
Upload the W2MSTRITA.TXT to RITA.
W2 Archive & Close CYE
Go to Reports/W2 Reports/W2 Archive Individual Forms
Federal ID Number = Defaults to Federal EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
State ID Number = Defaults to State EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Kind of Employer = Defaults to S, State and Local Government Employer. Can be changed through drop down option.
Sort Options = Choose from the drop down option how the report should be sorted. **This must be the same sort option used in step 45**
Report for Year = 20XX
Employer Name = Defaults to Name in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer Address first line = Defaults to Street 1 in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer Address second line = Defaults to Street 2 in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer City = Defaults to City in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer State = Defaults to State in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Employer Zip Code = Defaults to Postal Code in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
Include Fringe Benefits in Box 14? = Check the box so these are included on W2.
Select Payroll Items to print in box 14 = Click Add to select payroll item(s) to print on W2. **This must match the payroll item(s) selected during the submission process in step 45.**
Schedule Date and Time = schedule now, or at later time. Avoid 2:00am due to other processes running at that same time.
Click Schedule Job.
Verify Individual W2s have been copied, after the scheduled job above processes, in the File Archive/W2 Archive.
Go to Utilities/File Archive/W2 Archive
Filter Description by entering 2024
Single click 2024 Tax Year Reports line.
You should see files for individual employees W2s.
Go to Reports/YTD Report
Report Title = Defaults to YTD Report. Can be changed if desired
Sort Option = Choose appropriate Sort option
Year = Enter appropriate calendar year
Include Compensation Information on Report? = Defaults to include Compensation information
Include Archived Employees? = Check the checkbox is wanting to include Archived employees
Specific Employees = Leave blank
Specific Pay Groups = Leave blank
Specific Job Statuses = Defaults to Inactive and Active selected
Generate Report
Go to Core/Posting Period.
Click on the Folder option for December.
The Open column field should now say ‘False’ for December.
Go to Utilities/File Archive
Filter Year by entering 2024
Single click 2024 - Calendar Year Reports line. You should see the following reports:
Attendance Journal Report
Leave Balance Report
Payment Transaction Status Report
Employee Master Report
Earnings Register
YTD Report