NWOCA Reports - Custom

NWOCA custom page based reports are custom pages created in the style of a report. All pages and associated files are to be loaded into the /admin/reports/nwoca directory of CPM or the custom web_root. Adding the NWOCA tab will allow the custom menu to be displayed which categorizes the reports. Instructions for creating a new tab named "NWOCA" to the default reports page are included below.

Version History



Item(s) Updated




Item(s) Updated




  • /admin/reports/nwoca/ogtquery.html

OGT - Who Needs It has been updated to handle *** score value.

Previously, if a student in the grade selected had a score value of ***, the report returned no results.



Added 3 new reports:

  • OGT Scores

  • OAA Scores

  • Access Account Email

Added reports to view Ohio Graduation Test (OGT) and Ohio Achievement Assessment (OAA) scores. Scores can be displayed for students based on the current selection or by current grade level.

Report added to view e-mail accounts for parents. The report will display information for parent accounts liked to students enrolled in the current building.



Added export capabilities

Added Data Tables with Table Tools to allow easy export of result data.



Made plugin and added test score to OGT reports

Added test score to OGT scores report and eliminated the need to add the NWOCA tab manually.  Made the NWOCA reports a plugin to be installed through Plugin/Management Configuration page.



Added Less Than Five CH Report

Added report to list students with less than five potential credit hours




  • Download plugin NWOCA-Reports-1_4_2.zip and install files on server or if using Custom Web Page Management(CPM) you can import the plugin/zip file using the import/export utility(District->Localization Administration->Import/Export Custom Pages).

  • Download the NWOCA-Reports-v1.3.zip file and unzip the contents onto your computer.

  • Add the NWOCA tab to the Reports Page by copying the following text into the /admin/reports/reporttabs.html file just above the last </ul> tag:

<li class="~[if.~[gpv:repType]=nwoca]selected[/if]">
     <a href="~[if.~[gpv:repType]=nwoca]#[else]/admin/reports/nwoca/nwocareports.html[/if]">NWOCA</a>

  • If using Custom Web Page Management (CPM) you can import the NWOCA-Reports-CPM.zip file found inside the NWOCA-Reports-vX.X.zip file using the import/export utility (District->Localization Administration->Import/Export Custom Pages). After importing the zip file, it is also necessary to manually create the image directories (/admin/nwoca/DataTables/media/images and /admin/nwoca/DataTables/extras/TableTools/media/images) and import the image files manually. The swf directory (/admin/nwoca/DataTables/extras/TableTools/media/swf) will also need to be created and the .swf files imported. If using the custom web_root, copy the contents of the admin folder to the custom web_root directory.


OGT - Who Needs It

The report will include all currently enrolled students (enroll_status = 0) in the system with the grade level(s) selected at run time. The grade level check boxes are created at run time by determining which grade levels are assigned to currently enrolled students with a grade level of 10 or higher.

Run Report

  • Navigate to the Reports page (Start->System Reports) and click on the NWOCA tab.

  • Click on OGT  - Who Needs It to launch the report.

  • If the allow_expanded_tlist_sql pref is not set or is set to false, the report parameters will be disabled and the report cannot be ran. Click the Set Pref button to set the allow_expanded_tlist_sql pref to true:

  • To run the report, select the grade levels of students you would like to include in the report and click Run Report:

  • The Loading dialog will appear while the report is processing. Once complete, you should see a list of students in the grade level(s) selected who have one or more test categories without a score or with a maximum score below 400.

  • Clicking on the Make Current Student Selection button will make the students listed on the report your current selection and take you to the Special Functions page.

  • To view the actual test records for a student, click on the Student Name. This will take you to the Ohio State Information page for the student where you can click on the FA tab to view the testing records.

FA Extract Failure

The FA Extract Failure report will include any student in the system that meets the following criteria:

  • Has an FA record with an invalid test date value.

  • Has a History record with asterisks in the admission date field.

Run Report

  • Navigate to the Reports page (Start->System Reports) and click on the NWOCA tab.

  • Click on FA Extract Failure to launch the report. Please note that the report may take awhile to load.

  • No parameters are available for selection, so the report should appear when the page has loaded:

  • When only a dash ( - ) appears in the Test - Test Date (YYYYMM) column, this is usually an indication of a record with no data in the custom field which shows on the FA tab as "&NBSP;":

  • To view the actual test records for a student, click on the Student Name. This will take you to the Ohio State Information page for the student where you can click on the FA tab to view the testing records or the History tab to view the history records.

The use of DDA is required to clean these errors.  Please contact NWOCA Student Services or create a helpdesk ticket for assistance.

OGT Scores

This report can be run for the current selection of students or by student grade level. The grade level check boxes are created at run time by determining which grade levels are assigned to currently enrolled students with a grade level of 10 or higher.

Results returned include the highest score for each area with scores under 400 displaying in red. Students in the selection (or specified grade level) without test results stored in the system will not show in the report.

Run Report

  • Navigate to the Reports page (Start->System Reports) and click on the NWOCA tab.

  • Click on OGT Scores to launch the report.

  • If there are no students in the current selection, the Run For Current Selection option will not be available and the Run For Selected Grades option will be selected:

  • When there are students in the current selection, the Run For Current Selection option will be selected by default:

  • Click Run Report to display results:

OAA Scores

This report can be run for the current selection of students or by student grade level. The grade level check boxes are created at run time by determining which grade levels are assigned to currently enrolled students with a grade level of 10 or higher.

Results returned include all scores for each area. Students in the selection (or specified grade level) without test results stored in the system will not show in the report.

Run Report

  • Navigate to the Reports page (Start->System Reports) and click on the NWOCA tab.

  • Click on OAA Scores to launch the report.

  • If there are no students in the current selection, the Run For Current Selection option will not be available and the Run For Selected Grades option will be selected:

  • When there are students in the current selection, the Run For Current Selection option will be selected by default:

  • Click Run Report to display results:

Access Account Email

This report will only return results for access accounts linked to currently enrolled students at the currently selected school.

Run Report

  • Navigate to the Reports page (Start->System Reports) and click on the NWOCA tab.

  • Click on Access Account Email to launch the report.