PowerSchool Guides & Resources

PowerSchool Guides & Resources

Grad Pathway and Seal Information

PowerSchool Guides

Helpful Resources

  • Searches & DAT's.pdf

  • PS 7.5.x System Requirements.pdf
    Have you found yourself saying, 'my PowerSchool is acting funny'?  Maybe not in those exact words. Certain versions of operating systems, Java, and web browsers all play a key role in your district's PowerSchool performance.  Attached above is Pearson's system requirements for version 7.5.x, pay special attention to page 14 & 15. This document can also be found on PowerSource, article #67283.


Please keep in mind that customizations are not currently supported by NWOCA Student Services staff.  If you do choose to implement customized screens and reports we recommend that you keep a log of all customizations.  Track what you implemented, track where you found what you implemented and how you implemented the customization.  Why?  When we apply updates to your PowerSchool application, the customizations will be lost.  With that being said, check out some of the websites below.  My favorite is Power Data Solutions.





Something You Should Know:

Course records should not be deleted in PowerSchool, however you can make any course "inactive" in your building's course catalog.

To inactivate a course, go to School Setup > Courses and click on the link "Manage Courses for this building".  This will take you to a screen that will list all courses with checkboxes next to each course.  To inactivate a course, uncheck the checkbox next to the course you wish to be inactive in your building.

After doing this, the course will no longer appear in course lists in your building.

Focus Call (PowerSchool State Update) Information