Timeline/Rollout Recommendations - Enforce 2FA (before the end of the 21-22 school year would be the recommendation):
- Immediately - (you can now say you have begun the process)
- Turn On for All Staff (some might set it up on their own)
- Enforce - Any Google Admin Accounts and Tech Department
- Phase 2 - Admin/Leadership Teams
- Train (as necessary) & have them setup
- Approximately 1 month - enforce
- Provide them resources to help answer staff questions and decrease district anxiety
- Discuss district & staff rollout - plan
- Phase 3 - After Phase 2 is completed
- Communicate to district staff & provide resources
- Set Deadline
- Track enrolled staff in the admin console
- work with staff who haven't enrolled
- keep communicating (use bcc - don't call staff members out to each other)
- (Move Deadline is necessary, but communicate & repeat above) - Enforce
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