Users have the ability to post adjustments to increase/decrease the expendable/receivable amounts on an account. There are currently two different ways to post budget adjustments in the system. 

Single Budget Adjustment

This procedures walks you through making a budget adjustment for a single expenditure/revenue account





Mass load Budget Adjustments

When entering Adjustments the amount entered should be what the user would like the new Expendable/Receivable amount to be on the account. The system will calculate the difference between the initial amount and the entered amount and then create an adjustment for the difference. For Example, if the Initial Budget was 100.00 but the new Expendable amount should be 0.00, then the Adjustment entered in the PA-FYYY column on the spreadsheet or Proposed Amounts grid should be 0.00. When applied, the Adjustment on the account will be -100.00.

The Budgeting Menu contains two programs:




This will Clone the Scenario and all underlying Budgeting Sheets for that Scenario.

Create New Budgeting Spreadsheets within the scenario

If this Scenario was created prior you will need to edit the scenario first before being able to create a new sheet or upload, upload/replace or regenerate an existing budget sheet. 

Click on 'Create' to create a spreadsheet within the budgeting scenario 

Budgeting Sheets Grid

Once a spreadsheet is created in the scenario, it is displayed on the Budgeting Sheets grid.  You can then access the spreadsheet using one or more of the following options in order to enter your new expendable/receivable amounts:

Make sure you Save the Scenario if you want to keep any Budgeting Sheet changes. If you do not Save the Scenario any Budgeting Sheet changes will be lost. 

Upload Budgeting Spreadsheets into the scenario

Use the Upload option to upload outside spreadsheets into your scenario.  These spreadsheet may contain proposed amounts.

The outside spreadsheet must contain account code dimensions in separate columns with the proper column headers.  You may also include the adjusted amounts.  The following rpd-json files may be downloaded and imported into the Redesign.  They are similar to the SSDT Budget Expense and Revenue Expense template report definitions but have been formatted to include the proper columns headers in a spreadsheet format.  
When entering adjusted amounts, you must change the 'Next Year Proposed' column to 'PA-XXXX' (XXXX=desired fiscal year) in order for the spreadsheet to upload properly into the the budget scenario.

Promote a Scenario

Once a scenario is completed, it can be "promoted" to the proposed amounts field on the budget and revenue accounts.  Promote includes all spreadsheets in the scenario. Once promoted, the accounts with associated amounts will appear in Budgeting/Proposed Amounts Grid as well as the Next Year Proposed Amount field under the accounts UI.

Please note that once a scenario is promoted for a fiscal year, any successive scenario related to the same fiscal year that is promoted will overwrite the prior scenario's amounts. When a Scenario is promoted it deletes out anything in the Budgeting/Proposed Amounts grid for the same fiscal year and then uploads the new accounts/figures from the Scenarios Budgeting Sheets that was just promoted. So instead of creating separate scenarios, we recommend creating separate spreadsheets within the same scenario.

Proposed Amounts

Contains separate tabs for existing 'Proposed Budgets' and 'Proposed Anticipated Revenues' amounts in a grid format based on the fiscal year selected.  Users can:

Applying Adjusted Amounts

Once all of the  new expendable/receivable amounts have been entered for a fiscal year, click 'Apply' to apply them.

You cannot choose specific accounts to apply amounts to. It will apply the amounts to all accounts on your proposed amounts grid.

For further information on the Budgeting process, please refer to the Scenarios and Proposed Amounts sections of the Budgeting chapter in the USAS-R manual.