Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

The following procedure outlines the steps to be taken to submit your Five Year Forecast and Assumptions to ODE Ohio Department of Education & Workforce via the EMIS-R Data Collector.


Forecast Line Numbers:

  • Fatal errors regarding rounding will be received for differences outside an acceptable threshold. These exceptions, along with any missing rows, will cause the collection to not be submittable to ODEsubmitt-able to Ohio Department of Education & Workforce.  Please refer the EMIS Manual Section 7.2 for a listing of the line numbers permitted in the forecast.

Forecast Assumptions

  • Forecast assumptions (a.k.a notes) must be uploaded and included at the time you 'CERTIFY & SUBMIT' the forecast via the data collector. Forecast assumptions must be in TXT or PDF format. 



If your password has expired or you have forgotten your password, you can change and/or reset your password via the the "Forgot Password" link on the EMISFFE Log In box.  If you do not have an EMISFFE account or you cannot recall your username, please contact our Student Services/EMIS department  MAILstudent_STAFF_EMIS@NWOCAsupport@nwoca.ORGorg for further assistance.   If your email address has changed, please contact our EMIS department so they can update your account.


    2. Delete any records currently in the Five Year Forecast (QF).

    • Click on the Five Year Forecast (QF) at the bottom of the list 

    • At the top click on 'Delete ALL FiveYearForecast
    • Click on Home

     3. Import Five Year Forecast Spreadsheet


    Spreadsheet must be saved as .CSV

    • Click on Five Year Forecast Spreadsheet Import 

    • Line up the column content to the appropriate column letter on your spreadsheet. 

      The number of rows at the top means the number of rows listed before the first forecast line number. For example if forecast line 1.01 is in row 12, then your number of rows at the top is 11.

    • Browse to find your forecast .CSV file 
    • Click on 'Import CSV file'
    • Click on 'Home' then 'Five-Year Forecast (QF) to verify your numbers. 
    • Click on Home to go back to the homescreenhome screen
  •   4. Export Forecast
    • Click on 'Export Data

    • Select the appropriate Fiscal Year and the P - Five Year Forecast reporting period.

    • Click Export file at the bottom

    • Click 'Save' to save this DISTRICTIRN_FFE.SEQ file to a folder that you can find easily to upload the file into EMIS-R (data collector) later



If you have forgotten your username/password or it has expired please contact the EMIS department at mail_staff_emis@nwocaat or or create a ticket to their department.
