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This procedure outlines the steps to be taken to process a payroll in USPSR.


  •  1. Updates - Make any necessary changes/additions that are needed to Employee, Position, Payroll Item, Pay Distribution, Payroll Account, etc go to Core or the Employee Dashboard before beginning the payroll process.

    2. Posting Period

    titleOpen but not current
    • If you wish to begin payroll processing for the next month, but do not want that processing month to be current yet.
      • Go to Core/Posting Period
      • Click on Create at the top of the grid. Enter information as needed and create

    This will Open the next month Posting Period and allow you to begin the payroll process. The payroll that you are processing cannot be posted until the Posting Period is set to Current. You will need to go to CORE/POSTING PERIOD and click on the       next to the Posting Period you are processing for. This will set the Posting Period to Current-True. You will want to verify in the upper right-hand corner of your screen that the current posting period is displayed.  You will then be able to post the payroll.

    titleOpen and Current
    • If you wish to begin payroll processing for the next month, but do not want that processing month to be current yet.
      • Go to Core/Posting Period
      • Click on Create at the top of the grid. Enter information as needed, making sure to check the Current box  and create

    You will want to verify in the upper right-hand corner of your screen that the current posting period is displayed.  You will then be able to post the payroll.



    24. Processing SERS New Hire Report


    Criteria needed for an employee to be on the SERS New Hire report:

    An employee has to have a SERS =400 payroll item with the new employee box checked   and hold a position that has SERS as the retirement code  and a position hire date (both found on the Position screen) no more than 60 days before today's date for the employee to be eligible for the report.

    • Go to Reports/SERS New Hire Report 

      • Report Title-Default is SERS  New Hire Report
      • To create a report click Generate Report
      • To create a submission file click Generate Files
      • Save the file to a folder of your choosing and then upload it to eSERS
  •  25. Processing a SERS Per Pay Report (RETIRE/SERSRPT)
    • Go to Reports/SERS Per Pay Report
      • Report Title-Default is SERS Per Pay Report
      • Choose your sorting option (Dropdown)
      • Check box if you wish to Begin Each Employee on a New Page
      • Show Detail on Report should be checked
      • Show Informational Messages on Report should be checked
      • Enter the eSERS Pay Cycle
      • Enter the eSERS Pay Cycle Code
      • Enter or choose Begin Date
      • Enter or choose End Date 
      • Enter or choose Pay Date
      • Click Generate Report
  •  26.Creating a SERS Per Pay Submission file
    • All previous data from report generation should still be populated 
    • Set Employees Within Submission File As Reported to SERS should be checked
    • Click Generate Submission File
    • Click Link to eSERS login and and upload the tape file

      If you are only creating an adjustment file click Generate Submission File for Adjustments Only


    27. Processing STRS New Hire Report 


    Criteria needed for an employee to be on the STRS New Hire report:

    An employee has to have a STRS =450 payroll item with the new employee box checked   and hold a position that has STRS as the retirement code and a position hire date (both found on the Position screen) no more than 60 days before today's date for the employee to be eligible for the report.


      Go to Reports/STRS New hire Report

      • Report Title-Default is STRS  New Hire Report
      • To create a report click Generate Report
      • To create a submission file click  Generate Submission File and save it to a folder of your choosing
      • Click Choose File and find the file in your folder. 
      • Click Upload
      • OR
      • To create a submission file and submit to STRS click Generate Submission File and Submit to STRS
  •  28. Processing a STRS Report (RETIRE/STRSRPT)
    •  Go to Reports/STRS Report
      • Choose your sorting option (Dropdown)
      • Choose the Payment Method (Dropdown)
      • Enter in the Check or Transaction Number 
      • Choose the Report Format (Dropdown)
      • Under Historical Payrolls-Click the check box next to the payroll you wish to create a report for
      • Click Generate Report
  •  29. To create a submission file click Generate Submission File and save it to a folder of your choosing
    • Click Choose File and find the file in your folder. 
    • Click Upload
    • OR
    • To create a submission file and submit to STRS click Generate Submission File and Submit to STRS
  •  30. Processing an ODJFS New Hire Report and Creating an ODJFS New Hire tape file
    • Go to Reports/ODJFS New Hire Report
      • Double Click or click the employee(s) name and click the right arrow under New Employees
        • New employees should now be in the Employees to report box
        • Click Generate Report
        • To create the tape file Click Generate Submission File
        • Upload the submission file to ERIC
  •  31. Creating an AFFORD report
    • Go to Reports/AFFORD
      • Choose your sort option (Dropdown)
      • Enter or choose your Beginning Date
      • Enter or choose your Ending Date
      • Check the Exclude based on termination date box (if applicable)
      • Check the Exclude employees with insurance box (if applicableb)
      • Choose Calculate based on number of week or months (Dropdown)
      • Choose Calendar for calculating breaks (Dropdown-if applicable)
      • Select Pay Groups under Available by double clicking pay group or clicking on pay group(s) and clicking right arrow
        • All chosen pay groups should be under the Selected box OR
        • If choosing specific employee(s) select the employee by double clicking on the name or click on the employee name(s) and click the right arrow.
        • Click Generate Report
        • All previous data from report generation should still be populated
        • Click Generate CSV
  •  32. Processing Employer Distributions Report (BRDDIS)
    • Go to Reports/Employer Distributions
      • Report Title-Defaulted to Employer Distrib. Can be changed if desired
      • Start Date-Enter or choose from calendar
      • Stop Date-Enter or choose from calendar
      • Payment Cycle-Optional
      • Use Only Employer Distribution Accounts-Box is checked as default. Can be changed if desired.
      • Summarize individual amount detail-Box is checked as default. Can be changed if desired.
      • Choose Employer Distributions Payroll Items wanting to process by double clicking from Available Payroll Items moving them to Selected Payroll Items
      • Click Generate Report
  •  33. Processing Employer Distributions Submission File (BRDDIS)
    • Go to USAS Integration/Employer Distributions Submission
      • Start Date-Enter or choose from calendar
      • End Date-Enter of choose from calendar
      • Payment Cycle-Optional
      • Use Only Employer Distributions Accounts- Box is checked as default.  Can be changed if desired.
      • Choose Employer Distributions Payroll Items wanting to process by double clicking from Available Payroll Items moving them to Selected Payroll Items
      • Click Show Submission Preview
      • Review Employer Distribution Submissions
      • Click Submit to USAS
  •  34. Processing USAS Employer Share of Retirement Submission (BRDRET) (If applicable)
    • Go to USAS Integration/Employer Retirement Share Submission
      • Begin Date-Enter or choose from calendar
      • End Date-Enter or choose from calendar
      • STRS Amount to Distribute-Enter amount
      • SERS Amount to Distribute-Enter amount
      • Click Show Submission Preview
      • Click Submit Employer Share of Retirement to USAS
  •  35. Post Payroll to USAS (AUTOPOST)
