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    1. Once you are ready to begin submitting for the new fiscal year, update the EMIS Reporting Configuration year.

    • Go to System/Configuration/EMIS Reporting Configuration.  Update the fiscal year.
  •  2. Uncheck the 'EMIS reportable' boxes on the Employee, Position, and Compensation screens to not report employees that have been reported as "no longer employed" for one reporting period.
  •  3. Update employees that are no longer employed in the district or in specific positions.
    • Change Separation Reason and Separation Date on the Position screen.
      • The Position Status will remain "C"-Continuing if the employee had attendance days in the fiscal year. 
      • The Position Status would be changed to "U"-No longer employed by district in this position, if they did not have attendance during the fiscal year.
    • Employees need to be reported once with a Separation Reason and Separation Date for one fiscal year, then before the next reporting period you will uncheck the "EMIS Reportable" boxes for these specific Positions, Compensations and/or Employees to no longer report their information.
  •  4. Mark any new employees to report to EMIS for the new fiscal year.  EMIS Field Names and Locations
    • Check the 'EMIS Reportable' checkbox on their Employee, Position, and Compensation records.  This may include multiple Positions/Compensations.
    • For every Position reported a corresponding Compensation record must be reported to make the data complete.
    • Make sure Credential IDs are entered on the Employee screen in "Credential ID" field.  
    • Update Education Level and Semester Hours (if applicable) on the Employee screen.
    • Enter any prior years of experience in the appropriate Experience fields on the Employee record.
    • Other areas to update may include:
      • Position Code in Position screen.
      • Assignment Area, Funding Source Code 1, and Percent in Position screen.
      • FTE on Position screen (or may use EMIS Override FTE on Position screen if needed).

        Use ODE EMIS Manual as a resource for coding and descriptions of codes.

  •  5. Update Degree Type and Semester Hours on the Employee screen for any current employees with changes for this fiscal year.
  •  6. Increment years of experience for employees.

    • Expand
      titleUsing Mass Load
      • From NWOCA's Report Repository, download the EMIS Years of Experience report definition.  Click here to download.  
      • Go to Reports/Report Manager, select Import Report.
        • Locate the EMIS Years of Experience report definition.
        • Enter a report name, description, and tag (if desired).
        • Click Save.
      • Generate the report.
      • Open the Excel spreadsheet and update the total experience, authorized experience, and principal experience columns.
      • Delete the unneeded columns - name.lastName, name.firstName, reportToEmis and terminatedDate.
      • You will need these columns to load:
        • number
        • customFields.authorizedExperience.value
        • customFields.totalExperience.value
        • customFields.principalExperience.value
      • Save the updated file in .CSV format.
      • Go to Utilities/Mass Load.
        • Select Choose File.  Browse to select the updated .CSV file.
        • Importable Entities = Employee
        • Click Load.


    • Expand
      • Go to Core/Employee.
        • From the grid, select the More option.
          • Check the box in front of Number, Last Name, First Name, Authorized Experience, Total Experience, Principal Experience, Report to EMIS, and Terminated Date. 
          • If there are other experience areas you would like to update for your district use you may add these to the grid as well.
        • Select the (Advance Query) option. Choose the termination date and Operation=IS_NULL . Click Apply Query.
        • Filter the grid selecting Report to EMIS = true
        • Generate a report from the grid.
          • Click on Report option.
          • Format = Excel-FieldNames.
          • Report name is Employee Report by default. Can be changed if desired.
          • Click Generate Report.
          • Save report to your desktop or a folder of your choosing.
        • Using Excel, update the years of experience values and remove any employees that should not be updated.
        • Delete the unneeded columns - name.lastName, name.firstName, reportToEmis and terminatedDate.
        • You will need these exact column headings to load:
          • number
          • customFields.authorizedExperience.value
          • customFields.totalExperience.value
          • customFields.principalExperience.value
        • Save the file in .CSV format.
        • Upload the file.
      • Go to Utilities/Mass Load.
        • Locate the file.
        • Choose Employee as the Importable Entity.
        • Click Load.


    • Expand
      titleCore/EMIS Entry/EMIS Position Entry
      • Go to Core/EMIS Entry/EMIS Position Entry.
        • From the grid, select the More option.
          • Check the box in front of Number, Last Name, First Name, Authorized Experience, Total Experience, Principal Experience, Report to EMIS, and Separation Date.
        • Use the grid to filter out any employees not reportable to EMIS by entering true in the Report to EMIS field to only create a report for employees reportable to EMIS.
        • Generate a report from the grid.
          • Click on Report option.
          • Format = Excel-FieldNames.
          • Report name is Employee Report by default. Can be changed if desired.
          • Click Generate Report.
        • Save report to your desktop or a folder of your choosing.
        • Using Excel, update the years of experience values and remove any employees or duplicates that should not be updated.
        • Delete the unneeded columns - name.lastName, name.firstName, reportToEmis and separationDate.
        • You will need these columns to load:
          • number
          • customFields.authorizedExperience.value
          • customFields.totalExperience.value
          • customFields.principalExperience.value
        • Save the file in .CSV format.
        • Upload the file.
      • Go to Utilities/Mass Load.
        • Locate the file.
        • Choose Employee as the Importable Entity.
        • Click Load.

  •  7. Update/add any CC or CJ records.
    • Go to the Core/EMIS Entry option and add or update the respective records.
    • Once all data has been updated, click the Extract CJ Data and/or Extract CC Data to create the extract file.
      • EMIS Entry/EMIS Contract (CJ) tab/Extract CJ Data.
      • EMIS Entry/EMIS Contracted Service (CC) tab/Extract CC Data.
    • Save the CC and/or CJ file to your desktop (or a folder of your choosing).
    • Upload the file(s) to the data collector.
  •  8. Clear long term illness data from last fiscal year.

    • Expand
      • Go to Core/Employee.
        • Filter for any long term illness employees on the grid.
          • If the Long Term Illness column is not displayed on the grid, click More. Under Staff Demographics, click the box in front of Long Term Illness. Enter >0.00 in the Long Term Illness filter field.
        • Select the icon on each employee.
        • Under the Staff Demographic section, clear the Long Term Illness field.     
        • Save to update.


    • Expand
      titleCore/EMIS Entry Screen/EMIS Position tab.
      • Go to Core/EMIS Entry Screen/EMIS Position tab.

        • If the Long Term Illness column is not displayed on the grid, click More. Under Employee, click the box in front of Long Term Illness. Enter >0.00 in the Long Term Illness filter field.
        • Select the  icon on each employee.
        • Under the Staff Demographic section, clear the Long Term Illness field.

        • Save to update.


    9. Clear or update any values in EMIS Override fields on Position screen - EMIS Override Contract Amount, EMIS Override Contract Work Days, EMIS Override Hours In the Day, EMIS Override FTE.

    • Expand
      titleUpdate EMIS Override Fields on Position per employee
      • Go to Core/Position.
        • From the grid, select the More option.
          • Check the box in front of Number, Pos #, Position Description, Job Status, EMIS Override FTE, EMIS Override Contract Amount, EMIS Override Contract Work Days, EMIS Override Hours in the Day.
        • Using the filters you can enter >0 to show amounts greater than zero in each EMIS Override column.
        • Use the Edit button to make updates or clear data.
        • Save the Position to update.


    • Expand
      titleMass Load Update EMIS Override Fields on Position
      • Go to Core/Position.
        • From the grid, select the More option.
          • Check the box in front of Number, Pos #, Position Description, Job Status, EMIS Position Reportable, EMIS Override FTE, EMIS Override Contract Amount, EMIS Override Contract Work Days, EMIS Override Hours in the Day.
        • Generate a report from the grid.
          • Click on Report option.
          • Format = Excel-FieldNames.
          • Report name is Position Report by default. Can be changed if desired.
          • Click Generate Report.
        • Save report to your desktop or a folder of your choosing.
        • Using Excel, update the spreadsheet to enter a zero to clear the data in the file or update with new amounts.
        • Delete the unneeded columns - jobStatus,,, and customFields.reportableToEmis.value.
        • You will need these columns to load:
            • employee.number
            • number
            • customFields.fullTimeEquivalence.value
            • customFields.contractAmount.value 

            • customFields.contractWorkDays.value

            • customFields.hoursInTheDay.value

          • Save the file in .CSV format.
          • Upload the file.
        • Go to Utilities/Mass Load.
          • Locate the file.
          • Choose Position as the Importable Entity.
          • Click Load.

  •  10. Run Employee and Position Reports as many times as needed until they are error free.  If you need help with errors please contact NWOCA.
    •  Reports/EMIS Reports/Generate Employee Report
    •  Reports/EMIS Reports/Generate Position Report
  •  11. Run the EMIS Staff Report to check the information that will be submitted in the Data Collector.
      • To download the report definition and add it to your Report Manager follow the steps below:
        • From NWOCA's Report Repository, download the EMIS Staff Report report definition.  Click here to download.  
        • Go to Reports/Report Manager, select Import Report.
          • Locate the EMIS Staff Report report definition.
          • Enter a report name, description, and tag (if desired).
          • Click Save.
        • Generate the report in multiple ways until all information that will be reported is accurate.
  •  12. Run the collection in Data Collector. 


  •  13. Make sure any new hires since the initial reporting period have been marked to be report to EMIS.
    • Check the 'EMIS Reportable' checkbox on their Employee, Position, and Compensation records.  This may include multiple Positions/Compensations.
    • Make sure Credential IDs are entered on the Employee screen in "Credential ID" field.
    • Update Education Level and Semester Hours (if applicable) on the Employee screen.
    • Enter any prior years of experience in the appropriate Experience fields on the Employee record.
    • Other areas to update may include:
      • Position Code in Position screen.
      • Assignment Area, Funding Source Code 1, and Percent in Position screen.
      • FTE on Position screen (or may use EMIS Override FTE on Position screen if needed).

        Use ODE EMIS Manual as a resource for coding and descriptions of codes.

  •  14. Update/add any new CC or CJ records.
    • Go to the Core/EMIS Entry option and add or update the respective records.
    • Once all data has been updated, click the Extract CJ Data and/or Extract CC Data to create the extract file.
      • EMIS Entry/EMIS Contract (CJ) tab/Extract CJ Data.
      • EMIS Entry/EMIS Contracted Service (CC) tab/Extract CC Data.
    • Save the CC and/or CJ file to your desktop (or a folder of your choosing).
    • Upload the file(s) to the data collector.
  •  15. Add Long Term Illness Days
    • Long Term Illness Days are Illness days that meet or exceed 15 consecutive days.
    • Add this total to the "Long Term Illness" days field in the Employee screen.
  •  16. Run Employee and Position Reports as many times as needed until they are error free.  If you need help with errors please contact NWOCA.
    •  Reports/EMIS Reports/Generate Employee Report
    •  Reports/EMIS Reports/Generate Position Report
  •  17. Run the EMIS Staff Report to check the information that will be submitted in the Data Collector.
    • To download the report definition and add it to your Report Manager follow the steps below:
      • From NWOCA's Report Repository, download the EMIS Staff Report report definition.  Click here to download.  
      • Go to Reports/Report Manager, select Import Report.
        • Locate the EMIS Staff Report report definition.
        • Enter a report name, description, and tag (if desired).
        • Click Save.
      • Generate the report in multiple ways until all information that will be reported is accurate.
