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EMIS-R Financial Reporting Checklist

An authorized person in the district (EMIS Coordinator, Treasurer, etc.) will need to upload the flat files before running the data collection process and submitting the data to ODEOhio Department of Education & Workforce.


May 21, 2020 EMIS Release, the removal of capital asset reporting.  Capital assets are no longer needed and will no longer be collected during Period H reporting.

January 19, 2024 EMIS Release, the removal of Federal Assistance Detail and Summary reporting. The EMIS Extract no longer contains federal assistance summary and detail data and therefore it will no longer be collected during Period H reporting.

Data Source: Some of the data for financial reporting will be pulled directly from your live USAS data, while other portions will be pulled from what EMIS-R calls "flat files". The financial "flat files" include USAEMS_YYYY.SEQ which contains the data in a predefined format. The following lists the data types reported for financial reporting, and where the data will come from for EMIS-R:



    The USAS-R FYE closing checklist has you extract the EMIS information (USAEMS_FYYY.SEQ) from USAS-R. You can forward that file in an email to the district person responsible for uploading the file into EMIS-R.

    If you are responsible, save the generated file somewhere on your computer

  •  Access and log into the EMIS-R data collector website.  If you are unsure or do not have an account, please contact our Student Services/EMIS department,, for further information. 
  •  Once you are logged in, click on the Data Sources Tab at the top right-hand side of the screen.
  •  Click on "Other Data Sources"


When viewing a record type via EXCEL, a column labeled "Record is Valid" indicates whether or not the record will be included in the submission.

Submitting the Financial Data to


Ohio Department of Education & Workforce

  •  Once you determine the data is ready to be submitted to ODE, Ohio Department of Education & Workforce click on the "Collection Requests" tab and then click on "Certify and Submit".


  •  Checkmark the "I certify this collection" box. Add any comments if desired.
  •  Click on "Certify & Submit" at the bottom left-hand side of the screen. The data will then be submitted to ODEOhio Department of Education & Workforce.
  •   To review the status of your submission, click on the "Submission" tab. Click on the arrow to the left of the Financial reporting period to display the current status of the submissions you processed.
  • A 'Preparing Submission' status indicates the data collector is preparing to submit the data to ODEOhio Department of Education & Workforce.
  • A 'Transmission Completed' status indicates the submission has been received but has not yet been processed by ODEOhio Department of Education & Workforce.

Post Submission Status

  •  The 'Submission Status' can be viewed at any time under the "Collection Requests" tab to show what has happened to the submission at the state level after ODEOhio Department of Education & Workforce's report collector has received it. Here is a list of possible Submission Status':
    • Not Startedthis status appears between when the Data Collector submits a submission and when the Report Collector receives it.
    • Receivedthis status confirms that the Report Collector received the submission.
    • Report processing failedthis status indicates that the Report Collector encountered errors, and not all the data in the submission was able to reach its final destination.
    • Pending Acceptancethis status indicates that the submitted data is about to undergo Level 2 validation. It means that all of the data in the submission successfully reached its final destination.
    • Processed with Errors—this status indicates that a Level 2 validation was run, and some Level 2 validation errors were found. Please review the report for any possible FATAL errors.
    • Processed Successfully—this status indicates that a Level 2 validation was run, and no Level 2 validation errors were found
  •  Once the submission has been 'processed successfully', click on the "View Submission Results" link under the Collection Requests tab to view detailed information about the report processing, including the final status for each of your submissions.

Be sure to check any and all reports that are returned from ODE Ohio Department of Education & Workforce in regards to Period H submissions. They will be available on a "Level 2 Validation' link on the Financial Manifest. You can also access the 'Reports' tab in the data collector, click on "Level 2 Reports' link, filter for FY20-H-Financial and click on 'show reports' to generate and review the reports from ODEOhio Department of Education & Workforce. There is a guide under ODE’s Ohio Department of Education & Workforce’s EMIS Validation and Report Explanations page  called “Expenditure Detail Report (EXPD-001)” that explains the below reports in more detail.  
