Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This checklist outlines the steps to be taken to close USPS for the calendar year-end in the Redesign.


  •  4.  OSDI W2 Abbreviations: Verify the W2 abbreviation field on all OSDI records.  The OSDI code needs to be listed first (required), followed by any description.  Click here for a complete list of OSDI codes.
    • Go to Core/Payroll Item Configuration
      • Filter the grid by entering OSDI in the Type field
      • Review the 'W2 abbreviation' column to verify the codes are accurate.
      • The OSDI code should also be listed on the OSDI Code field in the payroll item configuration.
  •  5. City W2 Abbreviations:  Verify the W2 abbreviation field on all City records. The first eight characters will be printed on the employee's W-2. If left blank, the value in the abbreviation field will print.
    • Go to Core>Payroll Item Configuration
      • Filter the grid by entering City Tax in the Type field
      • Review the 'W2 abbreviation' column to verify there is a value in the W2 abbreviation field.


        Indiana requirements include: A Payroll Item Configuration City Tax record for the county tax record and a Payee address with IN as the state. The Payroll Item record for your employees for Indiana County tax will need to have a Deduction Type of “R” for Residence and the Indiana code from the Indiana W2 Instructions, Appendix A. The Indiana Code will need to be put in the Payroll Item Code 1 field.

        The codes are currently 01 – 92. If using 1 – 9, it must be entered as 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09.  

        The website for the County Codes is below, Page 12: 

        EFW2 (W-2 and WH-3) Electronic Filing Requirements



If errors are discovered, check employees that had exception processing during the quarter such as voided checks, error adjustments, or manual changes made through Core/Adjustments. 

The Audit Report (Reports/Audit Report can be useful in identifying these problems.

  • Start Date- Enter a start date you wish to begin your audit from.        
  • End Date- Enter an end date you wish to process the report through.
  • Select Specific Objects, or leave all in Available box to run for all Objects
  • Select Specific Users, or leave all in Available box to run for all Users.
  • Select Operation
    • Added
    • Modified
    • Deleted
    • All
  • Select Sort Option
    • Date
    • Username
  • Click Generate Report


  •  37.  Taxable Benefits:  If the 'Non-cash Taxable Benefit' pay type was not used during payroll processing, an Adjustment entry is needed using the Taxable Benefits. This will update the Total and Applicable Gross totals on the Federal and State records during W2 Report. 

Please see document called Reimbursable Employee Expense Situations for further details.

Option #1: 

  • Go to Core/Adjustments
    • Click Create
    • Enter the employee name or ID
    • Under the Payroll Item drop down and choose the 001 record
    • Under Type choose Taxable Benefits
    • Enter in a Transaction Date within the current posting period
    • Enter in the amount of the taxable benefit
    • Description can be entered (optional)
    • Click Save

Option #2:

  • If the 'Non-cash Taxable Benefit' pay type in Payroll Payments Current or Future was used, this will represent the non-cash taxable benefits amount.  Nothing further needs to be processed.


  •  43. Create Print File for the Employer Copy of W2's: 
    •  Go to Reports/W2 Reports/W2 Report and Submission/ W2 Report Options tab
      • Output Type = Forms
      • Forms Title = Defaults to W2 Form Data. Can be changed if desired.
      • Federal ID Number = Defaults to Federal EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • State ID Number = Defaults to State EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • Kind of Employer = Defaults to S, State and Local Government Employer. Can be changed through drop down option.
      • Sort Options = Choose from the drop down option how the report should be sorted.  Usually Employee Name.
        • Select the sort option that matches how you wish to have your employER copies of your W2's printed. 
      • Report for Year = XXXX
      • Employer Name = Defaults to Name in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • Employer Address first line = Defaults to Street 1 in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • Employer Address second line = Defaults to Street 2 in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • Employer City = Defaults to City in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • Employer State = Defaults to State in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • Employer Zip Code = Defaults to Postal Code in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • Include Fringe Benefits in Box 14? = Check the box so these are included on W2.
        • Select Payroll Items to print in box 14 = Click Add to select payroll item(s) to print on W2 (maximum of 3 will print)
      • Select Individual Employees? = Leave Blank
      • Select Pay Groups = Leave Blank
      • Click Generate W2 Forms
      • An Informational message will be displayed.


      • Once the job has completed, go to Reports/W2 Reports/W2 Form Output Files and click the download option. This will save the file to your computer.
      • Submit the W2 Forms.ZIP file to your printer using Actual Size
      • Go to Reports/W2 Reports/W2 Form Output Files and select the Archive option. This will remove the file from the W2 Form Output Files grid and place in the Payroll Archive/YYYY - Calendar Year Reports.
  •  44. Create Print File for the City Copy of W2's: 
    •  Go to Reports/W2 Reports/W2 Report and Submission/ W2 Report Options tab
      • Output Type = Forms
      • Forms Title = Defaults to W2 Form Data. Can be changed if desired.
      • Federal ID Number = Defaults to Federal EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • State ID Number = Defaults to State EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • Kind of Employer = Defaults to S, State and Local Government Employer. Can be changed through drop down option.
      • Sort Options = Choose from the drop down option how the report should be sorted.  Usually Employee Name.
        • Select the sort option that matches how you wish to have your CITY copies of your W2's printed. 
      • Report for Year = XXXX
      • Employer Name = Defaults to Name in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • Employer Address first line = Defaults to Street 1 in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • Employer Address second line = Defaults to Street 2 in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • Employer City = Defaults to City in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • Employer State = Defaults to State in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • Employer Zip Code = Defaults to Postal Code in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • Include Fringe Benefits in Box 14? = Check the box so these are included on W2.
        • Select Payroll Items to print in box 14 = Click Add to select payroll item(s) to print on W2 (maximum of 3 will print)
      • Select By City Tax Entity Code = Enter the first City Tax Entity Code (located on the Core>Payroll Item Configuration>Tax Entity Code field).
      • Click Generate W2 Forms
      • An Informational message will be displayed.


        Info - Job started to generate W2 Forms.  Generated Forms can be found in the W2 Form Output Files View.

      • Once the job has completed, go to Reports/W2 Reports/W2 Form Output Files and click the download option. This will save the file to your computer.
      • Submit the W2 Forms.ZIP file to your printer using Actual Size
      • Go to Reports/W2 Reports/W2 Form Output Files and select the Archive option. This will remove the file from the W2 Form Output Files grid and place in the Payroll Archive/YYYY - Calendar Year Reports.
      • Repeat these steps for each city needing to print forms for.
  •  45. Create and Submit Federal Submission File:  
    •  Generate the Federal submission file.
      • Go to Reports/W2 Reports/W2 Report and Submission/W2 Report options tab
        • Output Type = Submission
        • Federal ID Number = Defaults to Federal EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
        • Additional Federal ID Number = If additional Federal ID number is available enter here.
        • State ID Number = Defaults to State EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
        • Kind of Employer = Defaults to S, State and Local Government Employer. Can be changed through drop down option
        • Sort Options = Choose from the drop down option of how the report should be sorted.  
        • Report for Year = 20XX
        • Employer Name = Defaults to Name in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
        • Employer Address first line = Defaults to Street 1 in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
        • Employer Address second line = Defaults to Street 2 in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
        • Employer City = Defaults to City in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
        • Employer State = Defaults to State in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
        • Employer Zip Code = Defaults to Postal Code in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
        • Contact Name = Enter name of employee creating the file (required).
        • Contact Phone Number = Enter phone number of person creating file (required).
        • Contact Phone Extension = Enter extension of person creating file (optional).
        • Contact Fax Number = Enter fax number for person creating file (optional).
        • Contact Email Address = Enter email address of person creating file (required).
        • Is this file being resubmitted? = No
        • Type of Software = In-House Program
        • Preparer Code = L-Self-Prepared
        • Select Generate SSA W2 Submission File Summary Report.  Print and save.
        • Click Generate SSA W2 Submission File
        • Save the W2MAST.TXT file to your desk top or somewhere on your computer
        • On save file, right click on the file and click Send To> Compressed Zip folder
    •  Verify reports have been copied to the File Archive>Calendar Year End bundle
      • Go to Utilities>File Archive
        • Filter Year by entering 2023
        • Singe click 2023 - Calendar Year Reports line.  You should see the following reports and files:
          • W2 Report.PDF
          • W2MAST.TXT 
    •  Verify the Federal file is corrected formatted.
      • Log into the SSA-Business Services Online website

      • Click on the Report Wages to Social Security option

      • Click on I Accept

      • Click on the Accuwage Online tab

      • Click on Accuwage Online option

      • Under Submission Type click W-2 and then click Start Testing

      • Find your W2MAST.TXT file Run the W2MAST.TXT file through Accuwage to check for any errors that may be on the file.

      • Fix errors on the W2MAST and re-run through ACCUWAGE until errors are gone.

    •  Upload the Federal file.
      • Log into the SSA-Business Services Online using your Secure User ID and Password

      • Choose the Report Wages to Social Security option

      • Choose Upload Formatted Wage File tab

      • Click on Submit a Formatted Wage File

      • Follow the menu options Choosing the New W-2s W-3s for Tax Year 20XX

      • Locate your W2MAST.TXT file that you have appended and zipped and click on the submit option.

      • Print out the Submission information

      • Check back periodically to see the status of the submission.

      • Print confirmation of submission being accepted.
  •  46. Create and Submit Ohio Submission File.
    •  Go to Reports/W2 Reports/W2 Report and Submission/W2 State Options tab.
      • State = Ohio
      • Federal ID Number = Defaults to Federal EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • Additional Federal ID Number = If additional Federal ID number is available enter here.
      • State ID Number = Defaults to State EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • Kind of Employer = Defaults to S, State and Local Government Employer. Can be changed through drop down option
      • Report for Year = 20XX
      • Employer Name = Defaults to Name in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • Employer Address first line = Defaults to Street 1 in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • Employer Address second line = Defaults to Street 2 in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • Employer City = Defaults to City in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • Employer State = Defaults to State in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • Employer Zip Code = Defaults to Postal Code in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • Contact Name = Enter name of employee creating the  file (required).
      • Contact Phone Number = Enter phone number of person creating file (required).
      • Contact Phone Extension = Enter extension of person creating file (optional).
      • Contact Fax Number = Enter fax number for person creating file (optional).
      • Contact Email Address = Enter email address of person creating file (required).
      • Is this file being resubmitted? = No
      • Type of Software = In-House Program
      • Preparer Code = L-Self-Prepared
      • Select Generate Ohio W2 Submission File Summary Report.  Print and save.
      • Click Generate Ohio W2 Submission File
      • Save the W2MAST_OH.TXT file to your desk top or somewhere on your computer
      • On save file, right click on the file and click Send To> Compressed Zip folder
    •  Verify reports have been copied to the File Archive>Calendar Year End bundle.
      • Go to Utilities>File Archive
        • Filter Year by entering 2023
        • Singe click 2023 - Calendar Year Reports line.  You should see the following reports and files:
          • W2MAST_OH.TXT 
    •  Verify the Ohio file is corrected formatted.
      • Log into the SSA-Business Services Online website

      • Click on the Report Wages to Social Security option

      • Click on I Accept

      • Click on the Accuwage Online tab

      • Click on Accuwage Online option

      • Under Submission Type click W-2 and then click Start Testing

      • Find your W2MAST_OH.TXT file. Run the W2MAST_OH.TXT file through Accuwage to check for any errors that may be on the file.

      • Fix errors on the W2MAST_OH.TXT and re-run through ACCUWAGE until errors are gone.

    •  Upload the Ohio file to Ohio Business Gateway.

    47. Create and Submit Other State Submission File(s) - if applicable:

    titleElectronic State Filing Requirements:

    The following is the criteria each state requires for filing on paper or electronically:

    • Indiana - requires electronic filing if 25 or more W2's.


      Indiana requirements include: A Payroll Item Configuration City Tax record for the county tax record and a Payee address with IN as the state. The Payroll Item record for your employees for Indiana County tax will need to have a Deduction Type of “R” for Residence and the Indiana code in the Indiana W2 Instructions, Appendix A. The Indiana Code will need to be put in the Payroll Item Code 1 field.

      The codes are currently 01 – 92. If using 1 – 9, it must be entered as 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09.  

                 The website for the County Codes is below, Page 12: 

      EFW2 (W-2 and WH-3) Electronic Filing Requirements

    • Kentucky - requires electronic filing of all W2's.
    • Michigan - requires electronic filing if 250 or more W2's.
    • Pennsylvania - requires electronic filing if 10 or more W2's.
    • West Virginia - requires electronic filing if 25 or more W2's.
    •  Go to Reports/W2 Reports/W2 Report and Submission/W2 State Options tab
      • State = Select the appropriation state
      • Federal ID Number = Defaults to Federal EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • Additional Federal ID Number = If additional Federal ID number is available enter here.
      • State ID Number = Defaults to State EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • Kind of Employer = Defaults to S, State and Local Government Employer. Can be changed through drop down option
      • Report for Year = 20XX
      • Employer Name = Defaults to Name in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • Employer Address first line = Defaults to Street 1 in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • Employer Address second line = Defaults to Street 2 in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • Employer City = Defaults to City in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • Employer State = Defaults to State in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • Employer Zip Code = Defaults to Postal Code in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • Is this file being resubmitted? = No
      • Type of Software = In-House Program
      • Preparer Code = L-Self-Prepared
      • Submitter EIN = Verify information is correct
      • Submitter User ID = Verify information is accurate
      • Tax Payer ID (10 digits) = Only applies to Indiana
      • TID Location (3 digits) = Only applies to Indiana
      • First Quarter Tax Due (rounded to whole dollar) = Only applies to West Virginia
      • Second Quarter Tax Due (rounded to whole dollar) = Only applies to West Virginia
      • Third Quarter Tax Due (rounded to whole dollar) = Only applies to West Virginia
      • Fourth Quarter Tax Due (rounded to whole dollar) = Only applies to West Virginia
      • Total Tax Due for the Year (rounded to the whole dollar) = Only applies to West Virginia
      • Generate the XX W2 Submission File Summary Report.  Print and save.
      • Click Generate XX W2 Submission File
      • Save the W2MAST_XX.TXT file to your desk top or somewhere on your computer
    •  Verify reports have been copied to the File Archive>Calendar Year End bundle.
      • Go to Utilities>File Archive
        • Filter Year by entering 2023
        • Singe click 2023 - Calendar Year Reports line.  You should see the following reports and files that are applicable to your district:
          • W2MAST_MI.TXT
          • W2MAST_IN.TXT
    •  Upload the W2MAST_XX.TXT file to the state.
  •  48. Create and Submit City Submission File(s) (if applicable):  This will be run for each City being submitted electronically.
    •  Generate submission file
      • Go to Reports/W2 Reports/W2 Report and Submission/W2 City Options tab
        • Federal ID Number = Defaults to Federal EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
        • Additional Federal ID Number = If additional Federal ID number is available enter here.
        • State ID Number = Defaults to State EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
        • Kind of Employer = Defaults to S, State and Local Government Employer. Can be changed through drop down option.
        • Sort Options = Choose from the drop down option how the report should be sorted.
        • Report for Year = 20XX
        • Employer Name = Defaults to Name in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
        • Employer Address first line = Defaults to Street 1 in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
        • Employer Address second line = Defaults to Street 2 in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
        • Employer City = Defaults to City in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
        • Employer State = Defaults to State in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
        • Employer Zip Code = Defaults to Postal Code in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
        • Tax Entity Code = Code entered on the Payroll Item Configuration record in the Tax Entity code field.
        • Include Amounts For All Cities? = Uncheck the box
        • Include City Name For the Processing City? = Check the box
        • Is this file being resubmitted? = No
        • Type of Software = In-House Program
        • Preparer Code = L - Self-Prepared
        • Click Generate City W2 Submission File Summary Report.  Print and save the report.
        • Click Generate City W2 Submission File
        • Save the W2CITY_XXXXX.TXT file to your desktop or some where on your computer.
    •  Verify reports have been copied to the File Archive>Calendar Year End bundle.
      • Go to Utilities>File Archive
        • Filter Year by entering 2023
        • Singe click 2023 - Calendar Year Reports line.  You should see the following reports and files:
          • W2CITY_XXXX.TXT
    •  Upload the file to the appropriate city website.
  •  49. Create and Submit CCA Submission File (if applicable):
    •  Generate submission file
      • Go to Reports/W2 Reports/W2 Report and Submission/W2 Report Options tab
        • Output Type = Submission
        • Federal ID Number = Defaults to Federal EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
        • Additional Federal ID Number = If additional Federal ID number is available enter here.
        • State ID Number = Defaults to State EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
        • Kind of Employer = Defaults to S, State and Local Government Employer. Can be changed through drop down option.
        • Sort Options = Choose from the drop down option how the report should be sorted.
        • Report for Year = 20XX
        • Employer Name = Defaults to Name in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
        • Employer Address first line = Defaults to Street 1 in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
        • Employer Address second line = Defaults to Street 2 in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
        • Employer City = Defaults to City in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
        • Employer State = Defaults to State in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
        • Employer Zip Code = Defaults to Postal Code in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
        • Contact Name = Enter name of employee creating the file (required).
        • Contact Phone Number = Enter phone number of person creating file (required).
        • Contact Phone Extension = Enter extension of person creating file (optional).
        • Contact Fax Number = Enter fax number for person creating file (optional).
        • Contact Email Address = Enter email address of person creating file (required).
        • Is this file being resubmitted? = No
        • Type of Software = In-House Program
        • Preparer Code = L-Self-Prepared
        • Select Generate CCA W2 Submission File Summary Report.  Print and save.
        • Select Generate CCA W2 Submission File City Summary Report.  Print and save.
        • Click Generate CCA W2 Submission File
        • Save the W2MSTCCA.TXT file to your desktop or somewhere on your computer
    •  Verify reports have been copied to the File Archive>Calendar Year End bundle.
      • Go to Utilities>File Archive
        • Filter Year by entering 2023
        • Singe click 2023 - Calendar Year Reports line.  You should see the following files:
          • W2MSTCCA.TXT 
    •  Upload the file to CCA.
    •  Mail the W-3 Annual Reconciliation Form.
  •  50. Create and Submit RITA Submission File (if applicable)
    •  Generate submission file
      • Go to Reports/W2 Reports/W2 Report and Submission/W2 Report Options tab
        • Output Type = Submission
        • Federal ID Number = Defaults to Federal EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
        • Additional Federal ID Number = If additional Federal ID number is available enter here.
        • State ID Number = Defaults to State EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
        • Kind of Employer = Defaults to S, State and Local Government Employer. Can be changed through drop down option.
        • Sort Options = Choose from the drop down option how the report should be sorted.
        • Report for Year = 20XX
        • Employer Name = Defaults to Name in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
        • Employer Address first line = Defaults to Street 1 in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
        • Employer Address second line = Defaults to Street 2 in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
        • Employer City = Defaults to City in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
        • Employer State = Defaults to State in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
        • Employer Zip Code = Defaults to Postal Code in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
        • Contact Name = Enter name of employee creating the file (required).
        • Contact Phone Number = Enter phone number of person creating file (required).
        • Contact Phone Extension = Enter extension of person creating file (optional).
        • Contact Fax Number = Enter fax number for person creating file (optional).
        • Contact Email Address = Enter email address of person creating file (required).
        • Is this file being resubmitted? = No
        • Type of Software = In-House Program
        • Preparer Code = L-Self-Prepared
        • Select Generate RITA W2 Submission File Summary Report.  Print and save.
        • Select Generate RITA W2 Submission File City Summary Report. Print and save.
        • Click Generate RITA W2 Submission File
        • Save the W2MSTRITA.TXT file to your desktop or somewhere on your computer
    •  Verify reports have been copied to the File Archive>Calendar Year End bundle.
      • Go to Utilities>File Archive
        • Filter Year by entering 2023
        • Singe click 2023 - Calendar Year Reports line.  You should see the following reports and files:
          • W2MSTRITA.TXT
    •  Upload the W2MSTRITA.TXT to RITA.  
  •  51. Create W2 Archive Individual Forms (required!): This file will be placed in the Utilities/File Archive/W2 Archive for the current calendar year and will be used by the Kiosk (if applicable) for employees to access their W2 information.


     This file should be created after the user has verified that they have finalized W2 processing.


    Users will need to make sure the control numbers that are generated, match the printed forms.  This can be done by choosing the same Sort Options used in step 42 when generating the W2 employee print file. 

    •  Go to Reports/W2 Reports/W2 Archive Individual Forms
      • Federal ID Number = Defaults to Federal EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • State ID Number = Defaults to State EIN number in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • Kind of Employer = Defaults to S, State and Local Government Employer. Can be changed through drop down option.
      • Sort Options = Choose from the drop down option how the report should be sorted.  **This must be the same sort option used in step 42**
      • Report for Year = 20XX
      • Employer Name = Defaults to Name in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • Employer Address first line = Defaults to Street 1 in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • Employer Address second line = Defaults to Street 2 in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • Employer City = Defaults to City in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • Employer State = Defaults to State in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • Employer Zip Code = Defaults to Postal Code in Core/Organization. Check for accuracy.
      • Include Fringe Benefits in Box 14? = Check the box so these are included on W2.  
      • Select Payroll Items to print in box 14 = Click Add to select payroll item(s) to print on W2. **This must match the payroll item(s) selected during the submission process in step 42.**
      • Schedule Date and Time = schedule now, or at later time.
      • Click Schedule Job.


        A Info message will appear, stating that the Job was scheduled and the date and time it was scheduled for:

    •  Verify Individual W2s have been copied, after the scheduled job above processes, in the File Archive>W2 Archive.
      • Go to Utilities>File Archive>W2 Archive
        • Filter Description by entering 2023
        • Single click 2023 Tax Year Reports line. 
        • You should see files for individual employees W2s.
  •  52.  Run the YTD Report (Optional).
    • Go to Reports>YTD Report
    • Report Title = Defaults to YTD Report.  Can be changed if desired
    • Sort Option = Choose appropriate Sort option
    • Year = Enter appropriate calendar year
    • Include Compensation Information on Report? = Defaults to include Compensation information
    • Include Archived Employees? = Check the checkbox is wanting to include Archived employees
    • Specific Employees = Leave blank
    • Specific Pay Groups = Leave blank
    • Specific Job Statuses = Defaults to Inactive and Active selected
    • Generate Report
  •  53.  Close the December Posting Period.
    • Go to Core>Posting Period.
      • Click on the  option.  The Open field should say False.
  •  54.  Verify Calendar Year End Report Bundles.
    • Go to Utilities>File Archive
      • Filter Year by entering 2023
      • Singe click 2023 - Calendar Year Reports line.  You should see the following reports:
        • Attendance Journal Report
        • Leave Balance Report
        • Payment Transaction Status Report
        • Employee Master Report
        • Earnings Register

        • YTD Report